Chapter 20

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17th June 2250

"How do you do this everyday?" Kirishima pleads as he lies on the floor panting. a few other also having trouble breathing on the floor nod, wondering the same thing.

During the last two weeks the class have been meeting up for training and studying, we even managed to rope in Todoroki to join. During this time Kirishima and a few other wanted to up the training, so I have them run my own training regime. Just slightly toned down to fit their strength when it came to weights.

"Consistency." I begin. "Yes it started hard, it always starts off like that. But with consistency, doing it everyday. It got easier." Kirishima's eyes start to water.

"That's so manly!" His tears are streaming down his face at this point, exhaustion seemingly disappeared.

I gather the attention of the rest of the class and make one final announcement before ending the session.

"All right everybody!" Everyone's eyes gather towards me. "Since the exams are in Two days, take tomorrow as a day off and rest your bodies. Gotta make sure we're all at full strength on the day right?" I hear a few comments in agreement before I continue. "We'll good job everybody! As class president I mark this the last training session for the final exams. I hope everyone has a good rest day." I give a few claps as Yaoyorozu joins me at the front and starts clapping with me. I hear her whisper to me another thing as the rest of the class clap.

"You know, your quite the good teacher, considering you said that you 'weren't much of a teacher.'"

"That's because it's physical training. Either way I could've taught them just fine, I simply figured you could do it better." I see her blush slightly at the compliment.

I let out a chuckle and everyone grabs their bags and begins to leave. Some of the guys pat me on the shoulder as I walk past them to grab my own bag and make my way towards my own group.

"I'm glad you could join us Todoroki, even if it was half way through the two weeks." I send an appreciative glance at him.

"My old man wanted to train me himself but, I figured I would get more out of it with you and the class." His usual monotone voice greeted me.

"About your old man." I mutter towards him to not get the attention of the others, which Todoroki looks thankful for. "Is he still training you the same as before?"

"He's stopped being as tough as he used to, he's even allowing me to interact with my siblings more often which has been good." A small smile is placed on his face. I place my hand on his back and give my own smile towards him.

"That's good, you deserve to be with your family. I hope you've also been meeting with your mother as well?" He nods and says.

"Yes, what you've done to me means a lot more than you realise. It meant more than anyone else could've ever done." He kept his eyes locked onto his bag. "But can I ask you something? You said I deserve to be with my family, but why haven't you tried to meet with your mother?" I let out a sigh.

"It's not as simple as that Todoroki." I let myself deflate slightly. "As much as I wished it was. She doesn't love me, I doubt she ever did. But you, your mother does love you, so that's more than enough reason to be around her."

I give a few pats on his back before turning to the rest of the group and saying.

"Alright guys, let's go." The new additions look towards us and nod. Yaoyorozu and Jiro. After training, both of them have been wanting to walk with us back home. Must be something to do with what I said to Yaoyorozu, I guess Jiro was her only friend so she came along with her, which no only complained about.

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