Chapter 3

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I dodge to the right, moving around her right leg as she tries to kick me. Before she can recover I send an elbow into her stomach, knocking the air out of her and sending her a few feet away.

Once she gets back up, she jumps into the air and brings her leg up before slamming it down into me. I move my arms up to block, the force from her hit digging myself into the ground ever so slightly.

It could've been stronger but she still lacks the correct experience.

I observed her, seeing every muscle twitch, predicting when and where she was going to move before she even realised what direction she was moving.

She might not know it yet but she has already lost.

Blocking each attack, striking at the right moment, dismantling her defence piece by piece. It was child's play.

Being careful not to leave any sustained damage to her, It was as if I was dancing around her.

It only took another minute before she fell to the ground bruised, while I simply stand a few feet away, not even a scratch laid on my body.

She may have thought her attacks were strong, and they were, just not against me.

When you spend your nights building you body to withstand any and all attacks makes even the strong attacks more bearable. The only reason this fight went on this long is because I let. An effort to unravel what makes her who she is.

Staring down at her, I felt a small sense of excitement. The thought that she could really become a powerhouse if she was trained properly was igniting something inside me, thankfully I am here to give her the right pointers, nudging her in the right direction.

Once she collected her strength she looked over at my with a strange look in her eyes. One was admiration but the other I couldn't identify.

"How?" Confusion crosses my mind

"How are you soo strong?"

After a quick pause I reply.

"Because I fight to protect, I wonder what you fight for." The Curiosity in my voice gave her enough of a notion to answer.

"I fight to become the strongest, so that I never have to feel weak again." She grumbled under her breath slightly, a suppressed anger rising inside her.

The teasing about her quirk was acting as a push to get stronger, an unending itch to scratch. Seeing what bullying has pushed me to do, it's not hard to believe.

After thinking it over I give her some advice on where to improve, I took her to the cafe, spending the rest of the afternoon talking.

February 19th 2250

The last month was quiet, only one other meeting with Eraserhead about shutting down a human trafficking ring, which went smoothly. His extra help has been helpful for getting information and I've slowly been gathering knowledge about the new villain group.

'The league of Villains'

So far they have only been gathering low rank thugs and from what I can tell, they've gotten around 50 members, not including whoever the leader is.

After giving Eraser this info, I also gave him a device, a simple phone which can give each of our locations when we choose to send it with an extra button in case we are in danger. A fail safe if you want to give it a name.

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