Chapter 8

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Throughout the tests I was observing the others, trying to figure out their quirks and their strengths. I was strong enough to make people believe I had a quirk but I let them wonder, they'll know sooner or later.

I placed first in flexibility, endurance, push ups and sit ups. I usually went on for too long they had to stop me. In the other tests I placed around 3rd and 5th including the ball throw.

Aizawa walked to the front and presented the scores. I soared a quick glance, taking in each of our scores.

I was first, Rumi was third, Katsuki was fourth. Someone named Todoroki took second. Katsuki's face scrunched up in anger at where he placed, but he didn't act like he would have years ago, he took a deep breath and collected himself.

Last place was a guy named Minoru Mineta. He used his quirk smartly during the side to side steps. His eyes start to water and before he can pop off, Aizawa speaks to the class.

"Oh, and the expulsion was a lie, it was a logical ruse to make you do your best." He then showed the class his best shit-eating grin, which creeped out most of the class.

I ignore the rest of class's reaction and walk towards Rumi and hold her hand while muttering a 'good job', ignoring the looks from other classmates.

For the rest of the day we had normal lessons like maths, English and science. Once the day ended I went to Nezu's office, a simple meeting about the league. We also have a game of chess while we talk.

"How are preparations coming for the league?" I place another figure.

Nezu looks over. "They're coming along, only a few more days and powerloader should be done with the drones." He places another figurine.

"When do you think they'll begin? At this rate, they might start soon." I place another statue. Nezu moves again before responding.

"It'll most likely be at an off site activity, like the USJ, or when we begin the training camp unless they decide to attack the sports festival but that would be illogical, too many heroes. With Fewer pros to stop them, and with 250 thugs by their side, we'll be overwhelmed off campus unlike the sports festival." During the speech we both moved another figurine.

Moving another I say. "You should be careful of who you trust, they got information about how All might was working here before most teachers knew I imagine, and before you know it, you'll be in a checkmate you can't avoid." I stand up, leaving him to look over the board.

I win.

Nezu could only smile as I walked away.

As a being who is as smart as him, I don't believe he has lost many times, and he is a tough opponent

April 24th 2250

I was sat with Rumi for lunch along with Katsuki. Since the exams, Katsuki and I have been meeting to catch up, to reconnect what we used to have. Best friends. There is still a way to go before that label though and he doesn't even know what I do during the night.

Right know my instincts were telling me something was about to happen, the drones hadn't been put out yet so our defences would be low.

My eyes were drawn towards the gate, years as vigilante has taught me to trust my instincts and right now. I know something will happen.

I notice the edge of the door start to crumble and say to the table.

"Something's happening, stay near me."

Just as I finish alarms ring through the building.

The intercom announces. "This is a level three alarm, please head to back to your home rooms calmly."

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