Chapter 34

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I look down into the alley below me. Some students had entered, waiting to ambush someone. I do a quick count and find 5 and look at where their targets are positioned. I reach into my pocket and pull out a small device. I throw it behind them and click a small button on my belt. Once the button was pressed the device started emitting a beeping sound causing them all turn to look and inspect the noise. As they were distracted, I jump to the ground behind them and throw a smoke pellet at their feet.

I start running and once I reach the first up I grip the back of their head and slam it into the ground. As they're dazed I grab a ball and tap all three of his targets. Once I finish I run to the second and grab his extended arm and slam him into the wall next to us. As he's dazed I quickly tap two of his targets before a third person blindly runs at me. I duck under a wild haymaker and grab their wrist, pulling him slightly before slamming my heel into his gut. I turn back to the second and tap their final target before turning back to the third and tackling him to the ground.

He struggles but I soon get him into choke hold and keep him still. As I choke him, the smoke starts to dissipate. The other two were still Unaware of what's going on so I place a hand on the third's mouth to keep him quiet. As he fell unconscious I reach into my belt and pull out another device. Before I throw it I tap the targets on the third. I throw two devices onto each student and the moment they make contact an electric shock runs through them. Using this moment of confusion I run back at them and deactivate the device. As I get close I jump into the wall and bounce off. Using the momentum I slam my fist into the fourth, and roll over to the fifth. I position my hands as I roll and push, jolting myself towards her stomach feet first. I turn back around to see the fourth trying to cut me as his nails turned into a metal. He tried to stab me but I grab his wrist and move it up and twist. I don't break it but I cause enough pain to distract him. I tap two of his targets and as I turn around again i see the fifth coming at me again. I spin and place my heel into her stomach again, pushing her away. I turn back and uppercut the fourth, knocking him out. I quickly tap his third target and turn back to the fifth to see her preparing something. Her hands turn to chains as she swings the ends at me, trying to catch me. I run over to her and as both chains are about to touch me I jump and turn my body horizontal. I glide through both chains untouched and keep running over to her. Before she can get her chains back in order she notices I'm too close and just swings her right arm at me. I duck under, avoiding any chains as I do, and slam my elbow into her temple. As she's dazed I swiftly tap each of her targets and stand straight.

I let out a breath and wait for my targets to change. I hear a collective groan from the conscious ones and as they do my targets turn blue. Moments after, a voice emits from the targets.

"You've passed! Please make your way to the refectory in the side of the stadium."

I start to walk over as a voice calls out to the stadium through the speakers.

"And we have our first person to pass after taking out 5 people. That was quicker than I thought." His voice sounds relieved.

Now I wait.

It isn't too long before the next person comes in. Inasa.

He meets my eyes and I see him bright up at my appearance. He starts marching over and exclaims to me.

"Hey! Your pretty fast." I give him a small nod as I stand up and reach my hand over to him.

"I'm Izuku, it's good to talk to you Inasa." He grabs my hand with a fierce grip.

"You must be the vigilante guy. How do you know my name?" He's still loud.

"I heard one of your classmates call you that. Besides, I watched the UA recommendations."

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