Chapter 36

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Izuku, Izuku, Izuku, Izuku. Ha! 'Izuku'

I passed.

I walk closer to Rumi and wrap my hand around hers. I look up to the boards and see her name among the piles.

"Good job." I place a small kiss on her cheek. I look around and find Shoto talking with Inasa, who had his head laying on the ground trying to bow.

Maybe they've learnt their lesson.

I look back up to the board to search for my classmates names. Only one missing. Shoto.

"We'll now be passing around you're scores, the cut off was fifty points and you all started at one hundred. Any mistakes you made from saying the wrong thing to standing around doing nothing is a point deducted." Some people in suits started walking around the area with a stack of papers, handing them out to each student. It wasn't long until I was handed my own paper. I look down and read my score. 96. Not bad. The only points deducted were from waiting to attack Orca it seems.

I look over to Rumi and see her looking nervous. I look at her sheet and see her score. 62.

"Close one Rumi. I guess you gotta work on talking to people." I feel a smug smile enter my face as she flinches and glares at me.

"Those of you that have passed, in emergency situations only, now have the authority of pro-heroes but can be overridden by a pro. Those of you that failed however, there is no time for you to feel dejected that you didn't have enough points. There is still a chance left for you all." Inasa and Shoto's head moves up in curiosity. "After you've attended a three month-long special course and pass an individual test, we plan to issue a provisional license to you all, as well." Inasa's grin widens as the failed students let out a suprised gasp. "With All Might now gone, criminals will take rise. He was a powerful detergent and with him now gone, it's only gonna get worse before it gets better. To deal with this 'future' we'll need as many good heroes as we can get. The first test was to weed out people but would like to grow the hundred selected in that test as much as possible. That is why we watched you all until the end. As a result, we saw that it wasn't that you didn't have promise. Rather, once your inadequacies are corrected, all of you have the potential to be even greater than those who passed. I think it will keep you pretty busy doing this along with current studies, you could also take the next exam in September but-." He left his sentence hanging as students shouted out.

I take Rumi's hand walk to the exit to get our license when a voice calls out to me.

"Izuku, " I turn to see Shoto. "I wanted to say-"

"Save it." I cut him off with a small glare. "We will speak of this later." He looks down slightly in sadness. I walk away, not looking back and go to grab my license.

After a few minutes we were back on the bus driving back. Everyone but myself, Rumi and Yaoyorozu had fallen asleep. Rumi looks over to me in concern.

"Is everything okay? You've been acting frustrated recently." Yaoyorozu looks over as well. "Like with Todoroki, you never would have acted like that to him. Is something wrong."

I close my eyes for a second as I think.

"Back before my identity was revealed, Horu was a symbol. He couldn't be destroyed or simply ignored. But now that I've been revealed I'm no longer feared like I used to be, they only see me as a quirkless teenager. Something that can be destroyed." I shake my head slightly. "I became Horu to give criminals something to fear, but now it's crumbling apart." I lean forward slightly, putting my elbows on my knees. "Japan needs something more, something worse... she needs a new myth. A legend more powerful than I can be right now. Perhaps that legend can only rise from the ashes of Horu." I bring my eyes shut.

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