Chapter 21

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A tornado of wind tore through the city, destroying the path it rode on. A figure started to appear in the smoke and started to let out a laugh, piercing the ears of anyone listening.

"I hope your ready heroes." He shouts out. The problem was, no one was near him. He kept walking forward, unaware of our stares.

Confusion crosses his face as he looks around. I look over to Katsuki as I remember what I told him mere minutes ago.

"The moment the doors open, we head to the top of a building, preferably one with good structural support."

Now it's time for part two. I notice All Might enter through one of the alleys and motion for Katsuki to follow me as we jump across the buildings to place ourselves above him. We keep following him for a few minutes making him impatient.

I reach into my pockets and pull out four small devices. I look to Katsuki, who was placing another device at the opposite direction to all might. A speaker.

Once Katsuki was finished and turned back to me, I speak.

"All Might." The voice appears from the speaker, distorted. This is similar to what I did to Stain, however I am only using one this time.

My voice causes him to pause and turn around which was my queue to act. I threw the four devices at his feet, making a square around him. I press a small button on my gloves and electricity flies around him. Shocking him in place.

I think back again to what I said,

"Once he's been lured into an alley way, you will place this device on the opposite direction he's walking." I hand him the speaker. "This will gather his attention, I will then shock him and through a smoke at his feet. Once you see the smoke, Attack." I place a hand on my chin. "And try to aim for his stomach, it would be best to tire him out rather than knock him out from blows to the head. Do still hit him on the head a few times, but only when not using explosions."

Katsuki drops down to the alleyway, a few meters infront of All Might. At this I throw a smoke at All Mights feet and Katsuki sets of an explosion, blowing him towards All Might at tremendous speeds. As he enters the smoke I hear another explosion and a grunt from All Might. The only visual response was the flash of light from his quirk. Soon enough Katsuki comes flying back out the smoke from the opposite side.

I look on from the roof as the smoke starts to dissipate. His form appears, showing him on one knee. He pushes himself back up and starts the talk again.

"That was prett-" Before he can continue I jump from the roof and land on his shoulders. I slither around him and use one of my staffs and lock it around his neck, attempting to choke him. Before he can rip me off, Katsuki comes flying in, releasing another explosion towards his mid section and flying away again to gain distance. All Might grunts in pain and reaches behind him to pull me off. Before he can I jump of him and grab my capture rope from both my forearms and wrap it around both his wrists and pull. Because of this, I end up standing on his back sideways, pulling both his arms back. He tries to pull his arms forward, making my muscles cry in pain as I keep trying to pull back. I thankfully don't have to hold on much longer as I see Katsuki fly up into the air. He places his hands above him and sets of an explosion, blasting himself towards us legs first.

His foot digs itself into his face, pushing both of us back. Before All Might lands on me I jump back and roll to stop my fall.

"You two work well together. But I'm getting tired of this alley way!" He shouts as he pulls his fist upwards, intending to slam it into the floor. I shout to Katsuki to fly into the sky.

I hear his explosion and moments later his fist slams into the ground. Pushing me backwards into the Main Street from the force. I look to the building and see it start to collapse. Just as Katsuki was about to exit the alley a part of the building next to us cracks off and crashes into him, throwing him off course.

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