Chapter 17

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May 20th 2250

The internships have begun and I'm currently sat next to Eraser on a tall skyscraper in Hosu.

"I hope your ready Horu, or should I say Daikokuten." Eraser stares at me as I recall a memory. Dokuo had made contact with me a few days ago, saying the league are trying to make contact with the hero killer and are currently searching for him.

"Keep it to Horu. Let's start searching, we can't allow them to find him." I jump away and start running across the building with Eraser not too far behind and after hours of searching we came up with nothing. All we did was stop some crimes like theft and a murder attempt.

"It might be a long shot but the hero killer might not even join them." I stare at Aizawa as he looks confused. "Their ideals are conflicting. The league wants to kill All Aight while stain thinks he is the only true hero, so if he knows their objective, he might not even think about joining." Aizawa stood in silence, thinking about our odds.

"But, we can't take that chance, no matter how small." I continue to speak, already agreeing with him.

"It all depends on how much Shigiraki has matured since the USJ." I let out a sigh. There is too much unknown. I told Dokuo to not interfere with Shigiraki when recruiting stain, hopefully he hasn't matured much since then and he'll mess up himself.

May 28th 2250

In the last week Aizawa has been giving me pointers on how he uses his capture weapon and I have improved greatly, I can now do some of the more complex moves and can gladly say I'm ready to use it in battle.

I have also been patrolling as Horu alone a few nights to keep up an appearance, hopefully to draw Stain out to come search for me since he knows I'm Horu.

Dokuo has told me they made contact with the league and he did as I told and didn't interfere with the ordeal, letting Shigiraki mess it up himself.

He also told me they were preparing Nomu's for something but he didn't have enough intel about it which is why me and Eraser were currently waiting on top a building for something to happen.

It was quiet, too quiet. No crime is happening and it was annoying. Perhaps the news of Horu had scared most of the criminals in the area. Or they are preparing something.

Maybe one day, every night will be as quiet as tonight.

My thoughts were interrupted when a loud bang rang through the city. Flames reached into the sky as me and eraser start running towards the incident.

"It must be the Nomu's!" I shout to Eraser.

As we arrive I jump of the building and unsheathe my katana and land on top of a Nomu. It was similar size to the one in the USJ and I do the same move as last time. Digging my blade through its brain through the other side, sending thousands of volt's through its body. I can't take any risks if they could be as strong which is why I took out my blade.

As it falls I jump of its shoulders and stop myself with a roll. As I stop the Nomu lands behind me on its face. I continue running through the city with Aizawa following. As we are running we help some civilians who got stuck in torn down buildings until I hear a hero shout out.

"Iida! Where are you? Iida!" I turn and see the pro 'Lightning'. A pro with a quirk that boosts his speed, his max is probably just faster than Iida recipro burst but he can't hold it long due to incredible demand for stamina.

I guess he did think clearly but he didn't think to clearly. I turn to Aizawa and shout.

"I'll look for Iida, you continue helping." I don't wait or hear a reply and run of to the tops of building around the alley ways. The hero killers reports show most of his targets in dark alley ways closer to rural areas.

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