Chapter 35

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It went almost unnoticed. I turn to the side after dropping the boy off. In the distance, part of the wall had started to crack. It starts to slowly spread as I turn to the group and shout out.

"Get ready! The wall's about to break!" Some heads turn towards me just as the wall makes a loud 'bang!'. I hear some gasps at who walks out. I move around and find Gang Orca breaching through the wall.

"Start moving the injured to a different site!" I start running to the edge of the site and look over at the incoming enemies. I take a deep breath and feel the wind tussle my hair. I bring my hand behind my head and pull up my hood. Once again, Izuku washes away. Horu rises.

I start running towards my first victim and duck under a mound of cement heading my way. I reach into my belt and throw some smokes at their feet and enter the smoke. I latch onto the closest goon and drag him to the ground with my arm around his head. In one quick movement I slam his head down, knocking him out. I jump over to the next and move him slightly to block some incoming cement. I kick him forward and watch him fall as the cement sets. I hear one of them messing around with the gun so I duck down as cement flies above me. I approach him as he makes a wild haymaker. I grab his wrist and uppercut into his chin, knocking him out. I keep hold of his wrist and throw him over to a nearby goon, toppling him over. I take a few steps towards him and jump onto his lies down body. As I land I jam my heel into his chin and jump away again.

I keep fighting for another minute before a familiar face jumps in to join me. Shindo.

He sends a shock through the ground, sending them off balance. I throw a few beepers around them to confuse them and start to dispatch of them. Within another minute thirty more had been taken out. I look back to Shindo and see gang orca infront of him. He had his back bent with his forehead pointing straight into his. Before he can react a blast from his head hits him. Some kind of ultra sonic sound. He drops to the ground as Orca looks over to me.

"Well well well, look who it is." He starts walking over to me as I stand straight. "The lone hero, hoping to stand against me." He looks around to find his side kicks knocked out. "I must say, you've done well against them. It's a good thing I brought more." I look over to see Shoto fighting against a few. "I look forward to fighting you."

He starts to charge at me as I reach into my belt. I throw a device at him and see him catch it. He look in his hand confused until I press a button sending thousands of bolts through his body. I sprint towards him as he struggles. I jump up and drop kick his nose, knocking him back. Before he lands on his back he throws away the device and catches himself. He brings up both his hands and attempted to slam them both in the ground. I move forward and slide between his legs. A gust of wind hits my back from the attack as I slide. I stand up again and place multiple jabs across his back. He swings his body around attempting to slam his arm into my body. I grab onto his arm and use it for balance as I swing myself up and push my legs into his face, heel first. He flinches back as he laughs slightly.

"Haha! You're strong, but are you strong enough to save those around you." He prepares himself for a blast. "I know about you're origin Horu. That soo called Svetovid. The Slavic god of war." I feel my eyes widen slightly. Orca lets out a small chuckle. "I knew I was right, I doubt even Nezu knows it's you. I only know, because I was there." When he finishes he lets of the ultrasonic blast.

I get hit for a second and before he can continue I slam my fist into his nose, stopping the attack. My hand finches back as I watch it shake and spasm out of control. I feel my body get slightly weaker as I keep standing. I feel Orca's hands grip onto my head, keeping me standing.

"You're good." His red eyes pierce into mine as I feel myself grow weaker. "But you're still too weak. You can't win this battle. I won't stop here. First I'll attack the other heroes, then the injured. And to top it off, some more destruction, Just for the hell of it." He laughs slightly, getting in character. "Can't you see, you've lost." I hang for a few seconds and bring my hands up and grip his hands in mine. I keep applying pressure and start to pry myself free. I see his eyes widen as I glare into his.

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