Chapter one, part two

Start from the beginning

Send me the location.

My phone buzzed as I waited for Alex to type back up the fucker had left me on opened and annoyance filled up inside of me but I relaxed when he started typing, sending me the location and the time that everyone was going to be down at the building. This was on the poor side of the city, where drug dealer sold out their stuff, earning small amount of money here and then. It got me to wonder what we were going to do down there, what business did my dads have down there?

I'll be there in a few.

I placed my phone down as I had been left him on open after that little chat that me and Alex had, always a quick message between the two of us and the conversation died too quickly. He was never the one to speak, always kept to himself as he had a temper that only Raven knew how to get under control but seeing as shes no longer with us Alex had been wild, fighting with anyone that got in his way, not stopping until they were knocked out clean or dead. He was a beast, he didn't try controlling his anger when he was out in his missions, there was no need for that as Alex was a mad man when he was in that state of mind

The Devils, the name of our Mafia was earned with the way that my fathers and mom had handled with people in their past, leaving a trail of bloody men and woman behind their wake. They had reputations that caused no one to fuck with them but that seemed to be Trampled with when the kids were taken, they seemed to have become more stronger though when Ruby was born. The second most feared mafia in the world with people that feared us in the underground because of the name that we all made for ourself

I'm the right hand man of my father's mafia even though Raven's the right owner of that position, but seeing as she hasn't been here I was told to take up that position and every time someone reminded me of the power I held being in this position. I was reminded of Raven

I pushed the car of mines into a park, stopping a few minutes away from the real destination as I stepped out the car, locking the door behind me as I loaded my gun, shifting it around a little at the waist line as my blazer covered the metal. My eyes looked around my surroundings as I looked at the other car that were parked. Lamborghinis, SUVS, BMW's, Audis and what so ever else. All these cars I knew who they belonged to as I stepped into the sketchy looking ally, catching the faint smell of someone familiar but I pushed it to the back of my mind

The clicking of shoes hitting the colddirty floor of this place caused a smirk to roll up on my lips as I shoved my hands into my slacks, keeping my eyes valid of emotions as the smell of blood hit my nostrils in strong waves. It wasn't a surprise that this place reeked of blood as well, not an all surprised at that but again it also held a strong familiar smell to it that caused my inside to burn with excitement

The soft flicker of the light bulbs that hung up from the ceiling made it impossible for a humans eyes to see anything beyond this mess

Moss was growing on the cold walls of the place as droplets of water hit the floor, informing me that there was a leaked pipe somewhere here in this ruined building. The walls a dull grey colour, splattered with blood with holes punctured in certain places in the wall. I sighed under my breath as I made my way towards the stairs, stepping over the broken glass that was scattered all around the floor, making it impossible to see the mucky colour the floor really was

The floor board creeped under my body weight as I made my way up the unstable wooden stairs, they looked like they were going to fall apart any given second now. I fisted my hands as another sound echoed off the walls, creating a really loud sound to bounce of the walls as I continued to make my way up the stairs

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