Sparks of Hatred (4k special) part 2/2

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Author's note: 

There's a surprise at the end of this 😹
(don't skip ahead cause it wont make sense :eyeroll:)


btw a lot of the dimensions reference to movies or shows or books or something I've seen/are watching 
if you can name them all you get a uhhhhhhh
Texty plushie handcrafted by me :)


Texty's POV

"alright put in another code" I type, me and Airy have been just passing through multiple different places for a while. I don't feel like recalling what has happened through these past moments we've been encountering together. But Airy now just turns the knobs and flips the antenna up like it's routine now. Well, it sorta is now.



Back inside the laptop for me, Airy is standing in a damp and dark forest now. "Oh, I think we found home!" Airy announces gleefully, turning to a certain direction, but the laptop can feel the light he once had instantly fade. ".....Nevermind." He says, "what" I type, confused. Airy just starts walking, good enough for me to see the fallen trees while carved symbols on it. The sight peaks concern in me, "if this isnt it lets just go" I pause while typing, catching a glimpse of something right at the edge of my field of vision. "Huh...?" Airy says, I notice him looking at the screen as I type "look over there", Airy turns both himself and the laptop towards the direction. "What is it?" Airy asks. He can't see it, but I can.
A purple, glitching snake, peaking out of the trees. A forked tongue flickers out of their mouth before I realize they seem just as fake as the fake horizon's hallucinations. "oh great" I type, Airy shuffles a little as he goes "Huh?" Again.
"Texty." The static deep voice calls out, the end of the snake's tail flickering like if it had a rattle on it. "This is wrong place." No shit.

I'd actually start trying to talk to this one if Airy wasn't holding me. The confused lantern suddenly pokes my screen. "oi dont leave fingerprints on my laptop" I scold Airy almost immediately, but when I go back to trying to face the purple snake hallucination. Their gone, and in their place stands a hoof. One that could belong to an elk or a moose. "uh" I type, Airy is just glaring at me mumbling an apology. "airy you dumbass" I type, trying to ignore the hand also sneaking up the top of the tree the hoof is behind. The hand resembles the ones those flesh sculptures had. But something is off about it, really off. It's green and the skin seems to wrinkle even from the distance we are away from it. It looks too real to be one of those hallucinations. Alarmed, I slowly open the code box and reach the mouse for the kill code as an 'antler'peaks out from behind the tree. The hoof picks up into the light as I now can notice how decayed it looks. Green and yellow fungi and rotting red flesh line the furry leg of whatever animal this is, as the creature emerges, I could hear Airy yelp and gasp. The sound of a clicking mouse causes the creature's ADNORMAL AS FUCK head to tilt, two yellow beady eyes in a dark crevasse glare down at us as I notice the two-flesh sculpture like arms hanging down from the end of its head as well, now I realize its head looks like an upside-down body of those flesh sculptures. Both me and Airy are dead silent at the sight of this, monstrosity. It's elk or moose like body decaying before us, fungi seeming to cover every inch of it besides the terrifying head. "What's that noise..." Airy whispers to me, I don't type anything to hear the sounds of chanting, abnormal chanting. I slowly type me and Airy's names into the kill code, because I swear whatever stands before us could give an even worse demise. Around us I could see, fires, fires? Light around us like torches. 
we stepped right into a cult, haven't we. Circling around us as Airy moves to look around the situation, we could see other objects circled around us holding these torches, they all seem so, lifeless. As if they were brought back from the dead or were on the bleak point of death. And I could just assume the creature towering above us was their 'god'.
I entered the kill code.

Me and Airy drop silently back into the fake horizon. Airy drops the laptop instantly as I just silently rise back up as a textbox. We both stand in silence; I'm guessing Airy is also letting the demonic chanting ring out of his senses.
"Wow, just wow." I suddenly hear a voice say, I turn around to see a fox, tail waving silently. "Don't quit now, if you don't go back without entering a new code, you'll be fine from that." 
The fox vanishes into the colorful blurs, I just internally sigh.
"lets keep going" I type, dragging Airy back to the radio.
He shakingly reaches to change the code, sharp static blocking out all the noise we heard before.
And now, pulling up the antenna.

"Wh, who the fuck are you." We instantly hear someone else say, we look to see a flesh sculpture standing above us holding some dart gun. "What the hell are you?" They continue. Airy is about to say something before the flesh sculpture suddenly gets jumped by... A FUCKING DINOSAUR! Finally something I kno- WAIT OH DEAR GOD- Me and Airy both witness the guy get mauled to death brutally by what I can assume as a velociraptor. All that equipment he had on proving useless to him. Airy is dead silent but I know damn well he's probably more traumatized by the dark red liquid spraying onto us out from the screaming to falling dead silent flesh sculpture. A loud roar I have no idea of what it could be rings through the air, causing the velociraptor to look away without sparing us a single glance and run off into the green dark wilderness. 
"yeah lets get out of here." 

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