even more incorrect quotes + capitalized names

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fancy cat

Nora: Oliver won't come out of their room!
Rosenpulvar : Just tell them I said something.
Nora: Like what?
Rosenpulvar : Anything factually incorrect.
Nora, shrugging: If you say so.
Oliver, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?

Oliver: I am an expert at identifying birds.
Rosenpulvar : Okay, what about those ones flying over there?
Oliver: Yeah, they're all birds.

Liam: Didn't you die?!
Airy: That was weeks ago, dude. Things change.

Bryce: Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism.
Oliver: How so?
Bryce: It keeps you from screwing up for 8 hours.

Rosenpulvar : If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need.
Rosenpulvar : Not all this "how did you get into my house" business.

Oliver, Bryce & Mary: *screaming*
Rosenpulvar : *runs into the room* What's wrong, Mary?!
Oliver: Wait, why are you asking Mary that when Bryce and I are also here?
Rosenpulvar : Because Mary wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.

Nora: Don't go to the kitchen.
Mary: Why?
Nora: I saw a spider.
Mary: Well, did you kill it?
Nora: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...

Liam: Mary, you need to react when people cry!
Mary: I did. I rolled my eyes. 

*Rosenpulvar is speaking on the phone*
Rosenpulvar : Yeah, I'm with Airy.
Airy: Im fucking dying-
Rosenpulvar : Yep, they're okay.
Airy: I have a knife in my chest!
Rosenpulvar : No, they can't talk right now. They're sleeping, sorry.

Rosenpulvar : Oliver, my old friend!
Oliver: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Rosenpulvar : That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.

Texty: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?

now some I made myself cause why not

Airy:what are you doing?

Texty:Talking to god.

Airy:Is he telling you to kill everyone?


Oliver:No that's satan.

Rosenpulvar:Hi satan!

Radio:Hello guys!

Texty:Im tired of your fuckin bullshit!

Pill bottle: Im tired of yo bullshit!

Texty: Then fucking leave!

Pill bottle: Fine! I'll fuckin leave but i'm about to beat everyone in here tf up! *opens door to go*

Rosenpulvar, at the doorway: Ohhh beat who up?

Pill bottle: oh not you bruh-

Bryce, coming out of the shower: HM? Then who?? Aye bro! Who the fuck you gonna beat up?

Pill bottle raising their hands: Not you either bro-

Liam, coming out from under the table: That's what im tryna figure out who he gonna beat up?

Oliver and Bradley coming out from behind the couch

Oliver:That's what we tryna figure out!

Bradley: Who the fuck you gonna beat up??



everyone now present surrounds pill bottle

Pill bottle:Oh no I wasn't talking about none of yall-

 Amelia, coming down and out from the gosh damn closet: Oh but I heard you was gonna beat everybody up.

everyone else: WHO WHO?

Pill bottle: no no not you ain't you-

Owen coming out from behind the tv: THEN WHO?? You said everybody in here you sure aint talking about me!


Pill bottle: none of yall chilll-

Mary, coming out from underneath a desk: Yo who the fuck you gonna beat up? 


Pill bottle:CHILL-

Charlotte, coming out from underneath the god dam couch cushions: Im pretty sure he said he gon beat up everyone in this place. BITCH WHO!

Koi getting out of bed: WHOO, WHO YOU GONNA BEAT UP?

Airy coming out from a window curtain:  AYO YALL FIGURE OUT WHO HE GONNA BEAT UP? MAN WHO?

Everyone now pushing and doing annoying things to pill bottle:WHOOO WHOOOOO

Texty, watching this go down.: :)

Bradley, walking up to Oliver who is stationed by a bank: Hey has there been any robberies here?

Oliver, raising an eyebrow:Oh, no.

Rosenpulvar creeping behind him on her tippy toes while holding a sack of cash:

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