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Author's note:
600-700 reads won't have a special fic sense I'm going to be attempting to animate something for it.

I guess this counts as a crackfic? Idk (My friends thought this was a good idea lol)
also beware I'm gonna go back to horror after this :troll face:
Time takes place during the events of one 17
3rd person POV

SHUNK. Went the sound of a shotgun, Airy stumbles out of his chair out of surprise to see a certain Laptop now standing in front of him, but something was off, this laptop had a shotgun by it. "Texty wha-" Airy starts, Texty cuts him off with their TTS voice "no no, stay quiet and do not wake up Liam." Airy just asks "Uh, why would I wake up Backpa-" and gets cut off by the shotgun aiming at him "I said shut it!!" Texty states, Airy just glares at the laptop like it's some rodent on the ground.

"Now I'm gonna ask some questions bud.." Texty continues, Airy nods. Texty then asks "wth are you even doing, why are you doing this dude your hecking insane." Airy, in his defense says "Your the one with the-" Only to get cut off by the wall above him getting shot, Airy then witnesses Texty somehow reload the shotgun, Texty then says "Just answer the question before I actually blast your head off" Airy just sighs and explains "I just think this is fun, it's cool and stuff y'know." Texty displays a "^._.-" On the laptop's screen. Before they speak up "You sadistic for saying that. Could've just installed something like Roblox" Airy tilts his head and asks "What's roblox?" Only to be startled by another shunk of the shotgun.

After awhile of talking 
Texty ask, or in this case demands, "Alright just send everyone back like you said you would. I'm supervising you." Airy can't really do crap sense he's quite literally at gunpoint, he goes and sends everyone back on the plane to their homes, "Alright, now." Texty continues, "Hm?" Goes Airy
Airy's glass head goes flying everywhere. Reload noise, Texty just displays a ">:)" on their screen.


Author's note
Sorry this is short, but 
fictional violence = funny 

Yeah see yall hehe ha 
love yall

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