uhh AU idea

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hi hi guys I know I should be working on part 3 BUT HEAR ME OUT

What if I made an AU where Airy and Texty swapped places.

not like, oh airy's in the laptop now. More like everyone's in the god computer now including Texty.

Basically like the sims lmfao

A few background events happen earlier due to the characters being sent to a digital version of the plane


Airy gets teleported out of his truck or whatever it's called and it crashes into Stella's car. To which Stella notice it when it's too late because she's confused why Bryce disappeared.

Texty and Airy keep their original personalities except Texty can be seen with slight anger issues. Airy tries to help his fellow contestants not get into too much trouble with textbox and tries to make it "fun" for everyone. Which Texty slightly appreciates, but after so much backtalk from Airy into sparing contestants and giving them other chances because it was "unfair" ticks them off and they use the "character code" to shatter Airy's face, to which Liam has to help nurse Airy back to his proper state because 

Liam still breaks his leg from the first fall challenge, instead of getting a cast Bryce and Amelia have to hold him up and keep him from applying too much pressure on his open broken leg.

the next challenge is the same. But Texty just lets Liam, Bryce, and Amelia just hang out instead of climbing. But at the cost of Texty just throwing those three a few feet across the plane for not participating, which hurts Liam's leg more, this encourages them to try a little so they don't get hurt, but they also avoid winning,

in the 3rd challenge however, it's different. Texty makes it so the contestants have to construct something out of the wooden poles. Airy makes a cast and crutches for Liam. Thus leading to the two having a small friendship.

Liam drowns in the next challenge, the water pool. The contestants however realize they aren't in reality when they notice invisible boundaries are keeping them from getting out of the pool. Leading to them all actually getting tired from keeping themselves up and they soon pretty much all drown too.

Of course sense Texty did still crush Charlie with the pole like canon events, they don't worry much about not coming back. Texty brings them back but sets mostly everyone up for elimination straight after.

Instead of finding a plug, those who walk "out of bounds" or "out of the computers view" just find themselves walking through a void of code before they eventually end up back on the plane.

Texty doesn't communicate through text to speech, instead they use a word document up in the sky to talk, using a large font so the contestants can read it.

Anyone who ignores texty on purpse gets clicked on and dragged up in front of the word document, Texty forces them to read it otherwise they would drop them from like, what seems like 30 feet in the air. Texty understands they can just bring them back, so they don't have any limits to what they do. 

Texty can also change their "codes", so when they get annoyed by someone they. Change them, all the other contestants get scared for life when they witness this happen to Moldy to stop her from being so mean. After the "code change" Moldy acts a bit like an NPC, insisting that they should do the challenges and even complementing Texty. Due to this the contestants get anxiety and do their best to avoid that happening to them.

Texty however notices this sudden fear, and after awhile to get them all to calm the hell down, changes Moldy back. 

Texty seems to understand the contestants from batch 1 need food in order to survive. So they spawn in junk food everyday in the plane (which the day cycle actually acts like a games one)

Thus leading day cycles to actually be an hour long each. 30 minutes of day time, 30 minutes of night time. Texty doesn't seem to understand they need to sleep longer.

Texty does seem to like to know new things however, they actually seem to be experimenting on the contestants instead of actually hosting a show.

Texty can

change what the world/plane looks like (they get bored of seeing the same ol plane after awhile)

drag and drop the constants

open notes tab to talk to specific contestants alone

they use a word document to talk to everyone  

spawn things in 

change world or character codes (this ability seems to scare batch one and two a lot, batch three is only slightly alarmed)

I also think it would be funny if they could see texty watching cat videos while they take a break from messing around lmao

I also think a cool backstory for this AU's texty is that they were still in a show themself and helped a group of objects escape and find the host. However they were abandoned in the realm by that group when their vessel (the laptop) died. So after awhile, they managed to get into the god computer.

And are so damn vengeful and betrayed that they end up causing suffering to other objects.

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