At your doorstep(3k special)part 2/?

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Author's note
get dinotrolled
Part 2 out of I still don't know LMAO.

cough cough, thankfully we don't have to actually deal with the trio anymore but.

Today I got a huge fuckin burst to draw so yall may see a ton of drawings of the web surfing cast in future chapters/parts (You may even see some in this chapter too raaaaa)

3rd person POV

"Is it just one object or something if you have it in a closet?" Amelia questions, Liam looks to the side, "I can't tell you!" He then yells out quickly, "It's- it's a surprise! Remember?" To which Amelia just shrugs to. "Heh, we can always get the answer from Texty if they know." Charolette says teasingly, dropping her confused expression from before. "You ain't gonna get anything out of me." Texty's text to speech replies almost instantly, which surprises Charolette, "Woah, typing faster then usual today Texty." Bryce points out raising an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna betray Liam lol." Texty then claims, "Try all you want neither of us are telling you so L" the textbox continues, which makes Charolette turn to Mary and say "Can you flirt with them to get them to spit it out?" To which Mary just glares at Charolette, says "No." Blankly, and looks away back to Texty. "Welp there goes our chances of knowing beforehand." Charolette says, raising her hands in defeat. Which also causes Rosenpulvar to burst out laughing.

"Should we get Oliver to use his detective skills to figure it out?" Owen chimes in with the joking around. Little does the group know this is only making Liam regret things even more as Texty just goes silent. "I'm not one to ruin surprises, but I guess." Oliver says, smirking, Mary then catches a glance of Texty typing "uh oh" then deleting it. Which causes the human to lower from her leaning and standing against the wall position and glare straight into the laptop's screen. "Saw that." Mary goes, Texty acts dumb with "Saw what", Mary raises an eyebrow, Texty then remains silent. The textbox then just types "<:3" Which causes Mary to just sigh and go back into her original position, Texty would sigh in relief if they could.

"Dang I didn't know you two would be good at hiding things." Rosenpulvar says when she stops laughing her ass off. Koi walks in, spinning one of her claws. "Hey, all hope about this surprise ain't lost, I can just open the closet and get it!" The seawing admits, as Charolette, Owen, and Amelia shout "YEAH!!" As Oliver raises a fist in triumph. "DON'T." Is what Texty and Lian seemed to yell at the same time, Liam stretches is hands out to keep Koi away as the lights with the closet in it suddenly turn off. "Ca-..Texty, why'd you turn off the lights?" Mary asks, turning to Texty again with her eyebrow raised again, Bryce stunned at the sudden reaction. Oliver straightens out, Amelia reaches for the light switch in the room. "Oh my god Texty you burned out the lights in this room!" Amelia shouts, switching the light switch but nothing happens. Which causes Mary to unfold her arms, "What's so exciting it made you do that?" Dos questions as Uno cowers behind them at the sudden outage. Texty doesn't say anything, "Hold on, it's starting to look like something else is going on.." Parker suddenly says, still standing by the door. Bryce looks at the candy bar and says "I agree." 

"wait wait wait-" Liam continues, Owen shushes him by going up to him and lifting him up by one of the straps. "I have him detained!" Owen shouts as Liam now just looks like a kitten being scruffed. Mary taps the laptop, "Texty ain't talking, I suppose we can just open that closet?" The human then says. "OH! Can I open the closet?" Rosenpulvar askes, giving dragon-like puppy eyes to the group standing before her. Koi just chuckles as Oliver shrugs, "I honestly don't care who opens it, we just need a light source to illuminate the closet." The detective then continues, Charolette then says, "No worries." As suddenly she just climbs up on top of the frickin fridge and opens the top pantry. Pulling out a flashlight and hoping down, "Holy shit Char went gremlin mode for a second." Rosenpulvar, Bryce glares at the rainwing and says "Language." As he points towards the 3 kids present in the room. "oops" Rosenpulvar smiles innocently with her single word.

Charolette steps into the now dark room, turning on the flashlight to show the closet locked with cable ties. "Alright come on, open the closet." Charolette says, motioning to Rosenpulvar. Rosenpulvar nods excitingly, but as soon as the rainwing gets a step in. Mary shouts in surprise "TEXTY-?" as suddenly the robot cat body dashes past Rosenpulvar and almost into Charolette, which causes the moldy piece of bread to almost stumble and drop the flashlight, Parker thankfully catches her as the two look ahead to see Texty now guarding the closet. "Uh- Mary- Uno Dos- Orange?? Anyone- come control Texty jesus-" Charolette says, Mary sighs and walks over, Rosenpulvar peaks over Charolette and Parker as Oliver also walks over in confusion. Owen and Bryce remain where they are, watching over Liam to make sure the backpack doesn't make any sudden movements as Amelia just stands there. Unsure of what to do exactly.

"Texty cmon, what's actually in the closet if your suddenly acting up to hide it." Mary askes, clearly still not amused by anything that was happening. Texty still doesn't answer any questions until the closet suddenly moves. "woah what the fuc- flip?" Rosenpulvar goes as exclamation marks appear on Texty's visor as the closet moves again. "What- what the?" Oliver goes, Mary falls silent at the sight of the closet now moving, rocking left and right. Oliver squeezes past the group, Texty backing up against the closet to try and make it stay still while also avoiding contact with the detective. "Mary, Rosenpulvar. Grab Texty." Oliver says, almost like a demand as Texty still remains silent. Looking between the human and the rainwing now reaching for them. 

It takes the assistance of Nora and Amelia as well to get Texty out of the room, because dear god did they put up quite the resistance to letting anyone near the closet. "Texty cmon- chill out-" Mary says as Rosenpulvar keeps quiet with the moving of Texty from the room. Koi glances at the 4 dragging Texty away, then glances at Bryce and Owen holding a thoughtless Liam from being scruffed. Oliver then inhales before using his own blade to cut off the cable ties. "Here goes nothing." Oliver says, grabbing one of the handles as Charolette and Parker watch from behind him. And open upon opening the door, Oliver's eyes widen as he swings open the other door. "Yo what's in the- HOLY SHIT." Charolette shouts when she points the flashlight at the now open closet. An oil lantern tied up with ducktape and muffled with a cloth is seen, the object is wide awake now, looking from left to right. "What the HECK?!" Oliver shouts, backing away in shock and confusion, Texty and Liam kidnapped someone holy shit. Oliver then turns around and yells "TEXTY. LIAM." In about the angriest voice everyone in here has heard from him. And hearing two thuds, in about a few minutes both the laptop and the backpack are in front of the detective knife tapping his foot impatiently as the rest of the house glare confused and scared at the door way. "Why- WHO IS THIS?? WHY IS HE-" Oliver shouts at the two objects before facepalming. "Wait dude hear us out we can explain-" Texty finally says, "Oh I'd love to hear WHY YOU HAVE A PERSON ALL TIED UP IN THE CLOSET." Oliver shouts, causing the laptop to fall quiet in what could be some guilt. Liam tries to muster a word, but seems too scared to do so sense. Oliver is the detective here, Rosenpulvar then suddenly chimes in "wait a damn minute." The rainwing says, pushing past the group a little to enter the room. "I know that guy- is that-" Rosenpulvar examines the still tied up oil lantern. And realization causes her pupils to widen and a hiss fills the air. "That's- AIRY!" The rainwing announces, from behind, Amelia is heard gasping as Charolette instantly gets up while Bryce's eyes widen. 

Liam then stands up while Oliver is stunned at the sudden announcement, all anger plastered on the detective's face almost instantly washing away into what seems to be pure terror. Liam grabs the cloth in the Oil lantern's mouth and yanks it off before stumbling backwards and panting. "Backpack-" Airy says, the sound of his stinging about 5 whole people in the room. "YOU." Bryce suddenly shouts, as Amelia suddenly growls. Charolette then clutches the flashlight she's holding as the group backs up a little at the sudden reactions. "Who's Airy?" Mary askes in confusion turning towards Owen and Koi, "Well- a pretty bad person from what I've heard-" Owen starts, Koi interrupts. "He kidnapped Liam, Amelia, Bryce, and Texty with a bunch of others for a game show on a field from what I've heard from Rose." Mary's eyes go slightly upon hearing this. Turning towards the now angered trio closing in on the oil lantern still tied up in the open closet. Oliver slowly turns towards the oil lantern, Airy. And mutters, "You're the one who... Killed my..."  He remembers, the detective remembers what Texty told him. Airy killed Oliver's brother in season one. Oliver finds himself clenching his fist and not stopping the trio approaching Airy too. "Oh it's about to go down." Rosenpulvar states, Texty finally chimes in and speaks up by saying "No shit I told Oliver about Airy when I met him." 

"Wait." Airy speaks, the four halt. "I... Came here because the radio sent me." The oil lantern explains, Liam raises an eyebrow, "The talking one in the waiting room?" The backpack asks. Airy glares at him and says "...Yeah, they wanted to see you... And everyone." Airy continues, Koi steps in, "The radio that sends people to dimensions wants to see us?" With the question, Airy nods. "What does the radio want to do with us?" Mary questions, finally seeming interested in something other then the fact her own partner was involved with kidnapping someone. "Something... Something... Hallway." Airy mumbles, before asking "Can you untie me now?" Oliver seems to ponder for a moment before saying "Only your legs, because your going in these." The detective says, suddenly pulling handcuffs out of nowhere. "After we see the radio, I'm turning you in." Oliver says in a bitter tone. Rosenpulvar walks over and claws off the ducktape, however also leaving some scratches on Airy, to which he only responds with "ow." "Hands up." Oliver demands, Airy raises his hands, then turns around like he knows the procedure. There's no trouble in handcuffing the criminal. Oliver then forcefully yanks Airy out of the closet, noticing the slight dent on the side of the oil lantern. "Did someone hit you on your way- oh right." Oliver's tone drops as he eyes Liam now. The backpack gives him the signature awkward smile.

"Let's just get this meeting over with." Koi mumbles, opening a portal but from Rosenpulvar's point of view she seemed hesitant to do so. The colors of the fake horizon appearing seemed strangely nostalgic, but Liam couldn't also help to feel a sense of dread wash over him as he found himself being the last one to enter the waiting room, colors splashing underneath his feet as he looked up towards the small set of two chairs and a radio on the table.

"there you all are." An old voice says through sharp static as the group approaches. "How have you all been? I'm gonna assume not so well by seeing those looks on your faces." The radio can be heard laughing through it's static as Bryce huffs, "Why'd you send Airy after us." Charolette suddenly demands. "Yeah man not cool." Bryce instantly chimes in, "I knew he'd be the only one to grab your attention. Sense your under hiding still." The radio explains, "I need you all to help me with something." They then state. Their happy aura suddenly fading, it sends a chill down Liam's back. "With what. We have to turn in the criminal you sent us." Oliver states while crossing his arms. "Hold." The radio says, the numbers on their screen changing as suddenly the antenna flips up. But to everyone's surprise, only Bryce, Liam, Texty and Oliver disappear. "One dimension only needs four people, I'll send the rest of you somewhere else." The radio says, before the numbers change on their screen again and the rest of the people present are transported to.. ((Idk where to send everyone else tbh so)) Oh my god their in MY LITTLE PONY!! ((The one non-serious part of the story LMAO))

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