At your doorstep (3k special) part 1/?

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Author's note
idk how many parts this will have total so bear with me yall lol.
Before we reach the exciting shit I teased there is some more surprising things that are gonna happen before.

EDIT:ADDED SHIT I FORGOT (SKULL EMOJI) + things I got from comments on the 'beta' post.
 everyone gets a scene of their own apart from the main story!! My gift to you readers *bows*

3rd person POV

"Nora calm down, you're going to a school play remember?" Liam laughed, trying to tidy the young object. "Sorry! I just can't wait!!" Nora yelped out, waving her little arms in the air as the two could hear Bryce chuckling. "I wish everyone could show up to it though, this two people thing only is stupid!" Nora then complained, making a 'hmph' noise, "Woahhh, who taught Nora the S word?" Amelia gasped, as Charolette came in with a backpack(one of those that are suitable to carry pets with.) "Well you'll be the coolest kid in school bringing two kittens to watch." The moldy piece of bread chuckled, "Yeah, wait till they find out they can talk." The group could hear the nail, Owen shout. "We have such a cool friend group!" Owen then exclaims.

"Well sadly the group is awfully busy today. Mary had to go back to the human world for a moment, Rosenpulvar and Koi are off doing something, God knows what. And Oliver had to go out to clock in for a night-shift today." Liam started, continuing "Bryce also has a night shift for the epic burger drive though sadly, Charolette's going to Parker's place to game, and so on. Is it only me and Texty who don't have something to do?" The backpack finished, "I'm pretty sure Texty's busy tryna overthrow the government." Charolette joked, "You know how they are." Liam chuckled, "I suppose me and them could set up something for everyone to come another time?" The backpack then suggested, "That would be awesome dude." Bryce chimed in, "I kind of like how chaotic it gets when everyone's around." The soda bottle continues, then Amelia chuckles and says, "I'm pretty sure Oliver doesn't." Which earns a laugh from everyone in the room. "Alright I'll go drive Nora and the kittens to the play." Owen exclaims, standing up and dusting off his legs. "Cmon you guys." Nora could hear happy exclaims from Uno and Dos as she put on the pet backpack carefully. The four then left the house, then Owen shouts "Char! Parker's here to pick you up!" from outside, which causes Charolette to bolt up. "Shit-" the piece of bread spits, Liam coughs, "Your lucky Nora isn't in here." Bryce says, giving a stern look as Charolette walks out the door, waving goodbye.

"Look's like I gotta go to my shift in 10." Bryce then says, glancing at the clock, "Wait shoot I forgot to pick up something from Bradley's-" Bryce then says shocked, putting a hand on his head, before Liam can say anything Amelia chimes in first, "Oh! I can pick it up for you Bryce!" The candle says, smiling at the soda bottle. "Thanks Amelia." Bryce says, smiling. Liam just stays where he is. 'I guess I should think of what I wanna go over with Texty..' The backpack thinks, and he thinks for so long, he's startled when he feels a kiss planted at the side of his head. "Gotta go now man, see ya love." Bryce says, rubbing Liam's head as well before walking off. "See ya later Bryce!" Liam calls out, trying his best not to stutter every word he says. Amelia chuckles and goes to follow Bryce. 



((RAAAAAAA HUMAN WORLD SHI!! Also this scene has some crazy shit, but also a bloody cool fight))
"Cmon hot stuff, you know ladies can't please ya." A quite pathetic dude is seen trying to get some game with Mary, who is eyeing away from him uninterested, "Dude seriously fuck off I'm already dating someone." Mary hisses, flipping off the dude. "Hmph, you look like you work out... I like that." The male continues anyways, "I mean, cmon, girls only like thugs now a day- no way your impressed by some, what? Cat-lover sl-" Before the male can finish, he finds himself missing a few teeth after being punched by Mary. "Warned you, asshole." Mary doesn't have a hint of regret in her face as she just sips punch from her cup. "OI! Uncalled for! Jesus I get on your sick nerves that easy?" The male spits blood before spitting insults, raising a fist while still on the floor. "You need some god damn anger issue management! Jesus women you aren't gonna go nowhere with whatever freak relationship you got!" Mary snaps her head towards the annoying male shriveling on the ground, "Quit insulting my taste before I make you taste iron for the rest of your life." Now threatening, Mary grips her cup, "I'm thankful enough to be in a relationship, unlike you, go score one of the cheerleaders you bitchless prick." She then proceeds to spit on the male before taking a sip out of her cup. "Jesus I should've stayed home if I knew it was gonna be this much of a pain in the ass." Mary then mumbles before feeling a hand gripping her leg, "You-" The male starts. "Oh FUCK OFF!" Mary interrupts him with a swift kick. Which causes gasps to go across the party room. "AGH. The fuck!" The male spits, Mary just walks away now that she's free. "I"m going somewhere else jesus christ." She grumbles under her breath as the party just resumes behind her like that didn't happen.

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