oliver gets no bitches!! 💀💀

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Author's note
A little crackfic to satisfy y'all till I can get the bigger chapters out lmfao

Justice for Oliver ☠️☠️☠️

3rd person pov

"STOP SHOWING ME PICTURES OF-" Oliver seemed to be shouting at the laptop texty was on. But the textbox seemed to continuously interrupt him now saying "Baller" in their text to speech voice before playing a hideous brrr sound affect. Oliver facepalms and continues trying to scold the laptop "I'm tired of seeing it!" He raises his hands defensively in the air, ignoring the failing attempts of the others present room trying not to laugh. "ON TWITTER YOU KEPT SENDING ME-" Oliver is interrupted by texty saying "Baller" again before playing the same sound effect as before as well. "ON THE DISCORD YOU MADE ITS ALL FUCKIN-" Oliver tries to continue but is interrupted ANOTHER time by Texty saying fucking "Baller" and playing the same God damn sound affect. Oliver grips the sides of his head/blade as he appears to try and keep his sanity together as he glances at everyone else present snorting and giggling at the scene happening. He goes back to trying to explain to Texty right after "I look in the channels to post about my cat and it's all-" and he is interrupted yet again by Texty saying "baller" and playing that same sound affect. Oliver groans and says "I tried to show my partner a picture of-" before Texty interrupts with something else "man you get zero bitches you ain't got no partner, stop the cap!!" Which causes Oliver to slam his fist against the table in frustration. He continues anyways despite his struggle with Texty "I said- hey babe! Wanna look at pictures of-" only to be hopelessly interrupted again by Texty saying "Baller" and playing the same sound affect AS ALWAYS. He tries to continue, starting with "he's-" only to be instantly interrupted by Texty at an even higher volume basically yelling "BALLER" before the same sound affect rings across the room. Causing every spectator to burst out laughing as Oliver raises his hands in defeat.
Oliver seems to also wonder how this friend group goes from a serious situation to everyone acting like drunk hippies.


Author's note
Bro gonna be having nightmares of BALLER BRRRRR

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