Liam eated the sugar goes wrong (texty on catnip)

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Author's note
this is the "as if dreams anchored me down" chapter except I renamed it LOL!

Texty literally goes to sleep and has funny dream

Magic dream adventures with Texty!!! RAAAAAAAAA

(also uh I forgot the other ideas I had myself ermmmmm awkward. Also so I know what I'll be writing for you guys please resubmit your ideas in the comments of this chapter)

3rd Person point of view 

an open sugar jar is seen on the kitchen counter.

"Liam what are you doing" Texty questions, Liam is sprinkling fucking catnip on the laptop. He doesn't respond to the textbox. "Liam is this what you do when everyone else isn't home" Texty asks, Liam again doesn't ask.

"Liam stop putting catnip on the laptop wth" Texty pleads, a small pile is forming on the keyboard. "liam stop your scaring me" No matter what Texty types in the wide open notes tab, Liam doesn't seem to notice as he continues putting catnip on the laptop. Texty is currently dying inside but is also concerned of getting catnip stuck in the laptop keys. 

"Liam I'm warning you stop omg" Texty attempts to threaten, they don't get an answer yet again as Liam suddenly closes the laptop for a few seconds then reopens it.

"wh" Texty types.

"bro why is there two of you what the fuck did you do" Texty questions, Liam just sprinkles more god damn cat nip on the laptop, Texty continues to ask questions but their typing slowly starts to get messier. "wjat rhe halllll" is what Texty says last before they go into complete silence. Liam continues to sprinkle catnip on Texty. He closes and reopens the laptop again, which causes Texty to go "ds,kmd,kmdc,kmdm\,mdc,kmfd,lkjd,kd,kj beoo stap!111111!11.,.,..>,." Liam just continues putting CATNIP ON TEXTY STOP PUTTING CATNIP ON TEXTY OH MY GOD GREEN LUNCHBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due to a massive overload of fucking catnip Texty got in their system, they appear to have blacked out in a way to deal with it.

Bryce walks in, "Aye I'm h- what the fuck." Liam turns to Bryce like a deer in headlights as he stops putting catnip on the laptop.

"..................................Liam why." Bryce goes, face palming.

Texty's POV

Everything goes black for a moment as it suddenly feels like I have a headache. 

I regain vision, except I don't see the apartment, I don't see anymore catnip pouring down my screen. I don't see anything I was seeing before.

I'm entirely surrounded by pastel colored fields and.. Cat shaped hills? The ground fields seem to be like cotton, light pink color like cotton candy. I stand up, wait, what?

 I stand up, wait, what?

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Why the hell am I an extremely colorful anthro cat? In some, cotton candy cat land. Am I dreaming or something? Hell's going on. What did that catnip fuckin' do to me why am I in cat fantasy land.

I look around, no one else is around. Man it feels odd to actually walk around, I didn't even have legs before.

Man, what a dream Liam got me into. I'm so sabotaging his minecraft world after this.

How do I wake up agai- IS THAT A UNICORN?! 

My cat ears perk up as I see the majestic being in front of me, it has majestic pink flowing hair and I am in awe. The unicorn gallops up in front of me. I raise my arms into the air shouting "YIPPE!!" Before getting on it's back.

I ride around the enchanted land of cat cotton candy with it in upmost joy.

And the fun soon doubled as the unicorn started shooting lasers out of its eyes annihilating everything in it's path, I yell out in joy as I watch things slowly start to burn around me as the people of this wonderland scream and run away only to be hopelessly obliterated their ashes trampled into the thick mud as pastel blood is washed away in rainbows.

The dog police department rolls in, barking at me in the name of the wonderland law. Mister unicorn defends my honor as he smites them all to smithereens with a mightly magical blow of rainbows, butterflies, and candy. I shout in victory as we continue to ride off into the burning horizon. Destroying everything and everyone as I ride in triumph. 

that catnip hit hard

I snap back into my senses from before only to realize I'm on an acid trip now as bright neon colors start to flood my vision as the unicorn starts to melt. I somehow feel at peace however not bothered by the slightest of the sudden change. I feel relaxed actually, I feel like running around to be honest!
And I do so, falling off of the now disappearing unicorn and on all fours of this dreamy cat body I start aimlessly running through open neon flames with a sense of destruction and tranquility. In matter of fact I start seeing mice run up ahead of me of the magical neon blue path. I catch up to them all, dream-given claws seemingly evaporating them. I'd rather not eat acid trip mice anyways. 

Suddenly once the chase ends in my victory I suddenly fall through what seems to be a hole.
I'm literally just running along random walls now through multiple different places I don't even recognize.

The last thing I see is a pile of green catnip before I'm brought back to reality

I feel like I've been fuckin gagging as I see Bryce in front of me looking concerned
He seems to have been trying to use the laptop, and now it seems like with my awakening again it's working once more.
"Texty! Your back!" He shout-whispers in relief. 
"What happened?!?" He questions. I take a moment to calm down from what I just experienced then I give it to him straight

"Liam's sugar rushed ass got me high on catnip." I type.

"wha" goes bryce

Author's note
mister unicorn solos your fav web surfing character/j 

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