your three lives (part 2)(2k special)

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Author's note:

This is where that warning part from part one comes into play.

This is where that warning part from part one comes into play

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Texty's POV 

I soon realize what had exactly happened. From once peering off into a 'peaceful' field. To now sitting stranded in an endless void filled with the colors of the horizon, except this horizon doesn't feel real. I don't see anyone I know here, I never did before.
All I see is people running off in the distance.
Their cries out for someone I don't know either, random names going through the sound system. 
I want to look around instead of being stuck facing the same position, so I give it a shot and 
"Liam? Bryce? Anyone?" I say in my text to speech voice, but to my luck, nobody around responds. I see someone else spawn in feet away from me, however I don't know them either, they look around in shock, they don't notice me, the laptop. They look a certain direction and shout someone's name as I see tears form at the tips of their very eyes, they scream out for this invisible person again as they run off. The ground splashing like water as I can almost see colors coming up from their footsteps. 
I stay quiet this time. Processing what's going on, I, myself, couldn't believe I actually died. The lack of anyone helping with my severe lack of being able to move around myself just. Has me trapped where I am, I don't see the battery being able to die if this laptop and I have already.. Been..
Why couldn't I go into another device.
That trio just came back for their nasty revenge. I hope they all rot for their bullshit. 
I swear I saw the horizon slowly shift to flames for a moment with my thoughts of rage. And seeing that made my thoughts halt. The horizon was back, I couldn't feel angry anymore.
I felt sad, I couldn't put in the radio codes myself. I can't go in the radio. I don't have anyone, no one I know is in the puppy room with me. But, this isn't the puppy room I saw before, Is it. I feel static start to fill my thought process, if anything I also feel like crying sense.
I thought today would just be happy birthday, I was so wrong. 
The only surprise I got was the surprise of being destroyed recklessly, helplessly. I couldn't do anything that time. 
My immobility, paralysis, is a burden.
I just-

"Hello.", an soft, yet old voice spoke, however sharp static seemed to over lapse it. I take a moment to think about what to say, I don't know who this is. "Hi" My text to speech voice says. "I see your lost." The voice says, now I'm witnessing the laptop moving on it's own, turning to the table slightly, I can see the radio, however it isn't front facing either now. It's- facing me. I felt, nervous. Why the hell was I nervous

"I'm sorry, who are you exactly." I had the laptop speak in it's text to speech voice to the voice now coming out of the radio as the laptop remained sat down on one of the 'puppy room's chairs. Except this wasn't the puppy room anymore, it was filled like an endless void with the bright colors of the horizon. I then heard a silent, static laugh come out of the radio as the numbers on the radio changed as this newer being, a stranger. Spoke to me inside a dead laptop."Well, Texty, you can just call me radio." A voice said through the complete static from the radio. How the fuck does this person know my name?

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