Chapter 15: The Floating Lights

Start from the beginning

The prince of the seven seas reached for the oars, rowing them through the crowded waters, hoping to find a more quiet spot.

He'd recognised the lake as the one the princess brought him to many moons ago and hence didn't mind as they crashed into other boats, droplets splashing the couple every few minutes as the princess apologised for the nuisance.

"I know where to go," Annabeth said, pointing Northward,"we should go upstream, anything past the large willow is the property of the royal family, they will be no commotion there."

Percy bristled as she tried to take the oars, pulling them towards himself in protest.

He was a gentlemerman. It was in his nature to be chivalrous.

And letting the princess row would be against everything his father instilled in him.

"It's alright, I do not mind," she smiled, resting her hands atop his.

Percy felt his grip loosen as he looked into Annabeth's dazzling gray eyes.

His skin tingled where it met hers, his heart thundering as she leaned closer to him, their knees touching.

Percy's mind went almost blank as he felt the buzzing of the lakes all around him, an entity that felt almost alive, beckoning him to reach out.

Everything felt alive.....everything felt purely real.

He moved his thumbs carefully, running circles along the soft skin of her wrists as he steadied his feelings, controlling himself before the water controlled him.

"hello...?" she inquired, the side of her lips folding into a curious smile.

He shook his head, jerking out of his thoughts. She laughed.

"Very well then...go in that direction," she said, pointing into the distance.

The prince obliged, following her instructions until they reached a far point.

If he squinted, he could still make out the many boats nestled below them, the faint chatter and essence of excitement carrying for miles.

What is happening? Percy inquired.

Annabeth smiled, "They're lighting lanterns....just you wait, they'll soon fill the sky."

The princess was right as usual.

The prince of the seven seas watched in astonishment as the darkness soon glowed a warm shade, golden orbs floating above his head, flickering as though they were made of magic

He'd never seen such a sight before....they were as if the night was alight with a thousand splendid suns instead of stars.

Beside him, he heard a soft sigh.

Annabeth was staring up at the sky with a wistful smile on her lips, leaning forward ever so slightly.

Percy blinked, allowing himself to take in the princess as her thoughts floated out among the stars.

The floating-lights made her skin glow in an almost golden hue contrasting her now molten gold hair.
Her eyes which shone like stormy clouds now reflected the vibrant warmth of lanterns light, emulating a bright day in the sun's embrace.

The beauty of the hundred lanterns barely phased Percy now as he beheld the princesses smile.

She burned truer than all the lights, and shone brighter than all the fire.

The young prince reached over, taking her hands in his.

None of the wonders of the human world compared to her

The princess smiled, huffing as the boat tipped slightly, pushing them both slightly together.

The princess smiled, huffing as the boat tipped slightly, pushing them both slightly together

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"Thankyou for coming with me," she breathed, her face a light shade of red.

' Anywhere you go, I will follow princess,' Percy signed back.

'Then anywhere we go, we go together" she said, shifting closer to him, her knee touching his again, "promise me."

'I promise'


I believe I owe you all an apology.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time,life  has been very hectic.

Thankyou guys for your patience and support ❤️

(This chapter is dedicated to @Poseidonzdaughter - sorry for the late update)

Any suggestions for the story?

(Posted - 23/1/23- 3:24am)

Stay tuned!!

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