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"W-hat was he talking about?" Jungkook blurted out once everyone started moving, leaving the two boys alone.

"Hm? oh.." the elder paused, " know we have these sleepover together quite often..and-everytime I end up watching the movie," he trailed off, scratching the end of his neck.

Jungkook's lips curled seeing Taehyung looking a tad embarrassed, 'so he he can feel embarrassed as well,' he smiled inwardly.

"Except today?" He questioned, being glad that he could accompany Taehyung on his kind of lonely moments as well.

But his words left Taehyung to wonder intently, staring intensely at his doe eyes glistening with the reflected lights in the dark. "yeah, except today.." he whispered softly and Jungkook immediately averted his gaze to stare intently towards the flat tv screen.

"Jk?" Taehyung spoke again and Jungkook's attention drifted back to him.

"yeah.." he replied, feeling his cheeks redden slightly as he continued to stare at the taller boy whose eyes were still fixated on him.

"Are we really gonna watch the movie?" He questioned as he focused his eyes on the screen, "but the movie's on its last scene.." he added as he pointed a finger toward the tv. "still..wanna watch it?" He glanced sideways,

Jungkook's lip twitched at the obvious teasing tone in the brunette voice and he swallowed thickly, "um..I meant it more a-s a.." he trailed off unsure of whether Taehyung would even get it or not and then cleared his throat again, "background way..?" He finished lamely, praying the other wouldn't understand what he meant.

But unfortunately the brunette understood immediately and the corners of his lips rose to form a smirk as his eyes sparkled and it almost looked like he couldn't contain himself.

"If I hadn't heard Jin hyung talking about you..I probably wouldn't have got that.." he chuckled lightly, and owlishly Jungkook watched his chest rise up and down with an amused grin.

"What?" The ravenette questioned confusedly as a slight blush covered his face, feeling weird by how close the elder was and not wanting to break his gaze, until he fluttered his eyelids at the mere brush of Taehyung's fingers on his chin.

"That I give you way too much credit for being naive.." he muttered quietly, his thumb caressing Jungkook's jawline as a faint pink hue crept across the latter's features.

The ravenette didn't bother to hide the accusation, and squinted his eyes, "Shut up," numbly biting a section of his bottom lip to defy the curl of the betraying lips cause hearing it from Taehyung surely would turn him into mush.

"Ah, yeah?" the brunette asked mockingly, his eyes dancing with mirth. "You can try, bunny" Jungkook gulped at the low voice he was intentionally using.

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