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"You sound curious, bunny

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"You sound curious, bunny.." Taehyung smiled as he looked over the sky, it's been a while since his heart felt at peace.

He was surely going to take as much as could.

He looked over, hands inserting inside his uniform pocket, gaze retracting back at Jungkook who was blinking too much.

Lips, raising in a sweet smile.

"Just..wondering" he got the sound from the ravenette male.

"Oh.." Taehyung sighs a breath. "I started playing when I was very dad's friend was the coach and he just.." a chuckle left, reminding the memories. "had a long talk with and decided to get me in the practice."

"But you didn't wanted to?" Jungkook questioned, before realising how invested he was in Taehyung's life.

He simply couldn't help.

He had only heard Taehyung ranting about how much he likes to play basketball, and after seeing with his eyes. He just couldn't resist himself from asking.

"I didn't even knew people played professionally, so it was fun to learn a new thing..and it sucked-"

"Why?" Jungkook interrupted and again pinned his mouth when Taehyung gave him a raised eyebrow but shrugged and decided to fill the curious bunny's mind.

"Let me clarify, I sucked.. couldn't play for shit.."

Jungkook stopped in his place, making the elder stop too and he saw a frown.

"But you.." stopping himself, it was really hard to keep talking and connecting eyds still, so he moved them to the front. "play nice.."

"Thanks"and Taehyung doesn't leave the chance, but to immediately smiled at the younger. His bread cheeks lifting up at the compliment from the school's topper. "And also to inform you, I was never born with this talent or shit, Whatever people say.."

And they resume walking again.

Jungkook, being confused again which only got cleared at the elders next words.

"Back then, I couldn't even score a single point. My parents weren't that expected of me so it doesn't really matter that they will force me to do was just for my time pass anyway.." his voice turned soft.

"What changed?" Jungkook mumbled, his eyes closely following the rise and fall on his face.

'How someone could look so hot and pretty at the same time?' Jungkook wondered.

"There was this new kid on the team.." Taehyung continued. "Damn, even then he used to play so good that it kinda made me-jealous?"

Jungkook stayed silent, he wondered if he was sounding noisy, but again Taehyung seemed to like talking about his past, and the ravenette was interested in hearing his voice.

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