Octavia: Fuck off!

*Griffon lands on Octavia's head

Griffon: Ready to get up?

Octavia: Go away.

Griffon:........ready to get up?

Octavia: Get the fuck off me!

*Octavia gets up and shakes Griffon off.

Octavia: Let me wake up on MY time!

Griffon: She is very stubborn isn't she Shady?

*Shadow get's down and walks out.

Griffon: Good talk.

*Griffon gets a idea

Griffon: Would you rather me wake you up or daddy V?

Octavia: I'd rather you get out.

*Griffon lands on the bed and shocks Octavia.

Octavia: OW! I'm up!

Griffon: Hurry up before the food get's cold, cold breakfast sucks sometimes.

*Griffon flies out.

Octavia: Damn bird.

*In the kitchen 

Griffon: Got her up.

Charlie: You better not have zapped her.

Griffon: I did not.

Octavia: Bullshit you did!

Vergil: What did we say about shocking demons for fun?

Griffon: You said I could use it if they don't cooperate.

Vergil: During interrogation not invading on my daughter.

Griffon: Can't have any fun here.

Charlie: By the way Al called.

Vergil: What is he want?

Charlie: Wants to meet up for lunch today.

Vergil: At-

Charlie: His favorite restaurant.

Vergil: He lacks taste.

Octavia: Am I able to hang back?

Charlie: He said he wanted everyone there.

Octavia: Of course it's a day when Loona is doing shit.

Vergil: He's not the worst person to talk to.

Charlie: Once you know him.

Octavia: I can't really talk about anything to him. He does not use Voxtagram or any form of tech.

Vergil: Neither do I and we talk for hours.

Octavia: Your....different.

Vergil: Different?

Octavia: As in your an exception.

Vergil: What makes me the exception?

Octavia: You...like to stay with the present and recent past. He's always talking about his life and the great depression.

Vergil: Perhaps but we both don't use modern tech.

Octavia: You figure it out relatively quick.

Charlie: I'm sure you can find something to talk about. Eat up before it get's cold.

Griffon: Told you! Cold breakfast sucks.

Octavia: Shut up!

Charlie: So everyone is good with going.

The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB x OC)Where stories live. Discover now