Chapter Thirteen || What a Wonderful World

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I would just like to take this time to apologise for the inactivity. I haven't logged into my wattpad account for months and forgot I never posted the final chapter. So here it is, enjoy :)

Soulmates. Annabeth Chase had never understood it. Surely no one could be perfect for her, everyone has flaws, but isn't the definition of soulmate to be perfect?

Annabeth had never believed in true love, or love at first sight. For so many of those around her it had ended in heartbreak and betrayal, it didn't seem fair.

What did colour look like? It was something she had always wondered. She longs to understand it, to know about it, to experience its wonders.

And her mind winds back to that one morning that Percy bumped into her, just three weeks ago now. It had been on her thoughts for a while now, she wondered again, all over again, what that flash of light was. Colour? Impossible, if that had been colour why was the reflection in front of her various shades of grey.

Annabeth was standing in front of her mirror, analysing how she looked. She had redone her hair, done her makeup, picked out a new outfit and yet something felt like it was missing. She was thinking about this too much.

All day at school she had been yearning for the day to end, whilst also trying to make eye contact with Percy in the corridors. She was begging to know if he was serious about it being a date, she just couldn't find the words to ask him.

And now she was at home, panicking, with only 5 minutes to go before the start of what could possibly be her first date. The doorbell rang. He's early. She took one last glance in the mirror before telling herself, shut up, you look fine!

She raced down the stairs, anxious yet brimming with excitement. She placed her hand on the door handle and paused, here goes nothing.

She opened the door, and the eager, grinning face of Percy quickly lit up her world. He was wearing a plain t-shirt with a leather jacket, which definitely suited him, as well as some lighter coloured jeans. He seemed to look at her for a moment, glancing at how she looked, Annabeth was mad at how hard she blushed.

"Hey" he said with a smile, "you look nice."

"You don't look so bad yourself."

Percy let out a light chuckle before saying, "My car's just over there" He gestured to the side of the road. "I was thinking we could go to this cafe I saw a few days ago, it's only like five minutes away."

"Sounds nice." She responded, with a smile.

"Did you mean that seriously?"

"Of course I did!"

"Then it's settled, I'll escort you to the car princess."

"Princess!!!" Annabeth exclaimed, a prominent blush rising to her cheeks.

"Suits you." He murmured under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear. Annabeth's heart fluttered in her chest.

The car ride was quiet, but not an awkward quiet. It was just right. The both of them sitting there, listening to the music Percy had put on, and being content with the other's presence.

Percy turned off of the main road and into a small car park. He parked the car and begun to unbuckle his seatbelt to get out, Annabeth followed. But as she went to open the door Percy exclaimed "Hang on!". He quickly opened his door, sprung out of his seat and ran round to the other side of his car.

As he opened the car door for her Annabeth couldn't help but notice the large grin on his face. She sighed, trying to fight of the smile growing in her face, and said "Really?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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