Chapter Three || The Courtyard of Embarrassment

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Annabeth was sitting outside at a bench during first break. She was waiting for Piper and Silena to show up but they were taking a while as they had just had class across the school.

The bench was located in a large courtyard that was framed with trees and canopies . It was on a raised area of the courtyards, near some steps leading down to the main section.

It was rather sunny for an autumn morning and not too cold either, she could sit comfortably outside without a coat. Many others were gathered on the main section of the courtyards, that area had no benches but lots of people enjoyed standing there to gather and chat with their friends.

Annabeth had a quiet bench to herself. To pass time while she waited, she had pulled her sketchbook and pencil case out of her bag and was looking through her drawings. She loved to draw designs of fancy, complex buildings. Her mother was an architect and she wanted so badly to follow in that path.

She took a pencil out of her pencil case and cleaned up some lines on her sketch of a skyscraper. It had large, tall windows and delicate brickwork. It was by far her favourite design in the book, and also the newest. After finishing up a few small details, she placed it on the table of the bench with pride and turned to her bag as she put away her pencil case. She kept out her sketchbook for now as she had promised Piper last night that she'd show her her new sketch.

She turned back to her drawing, but not before it was swept up by the slight chill of an October breeze. Her hand grabbed for it, hastily slashing at the air, but just missing. She stood up, but it had quickly been carried down the stairs and towards the crowds of people. No, no, she couldn't lose it. It was her best work. She had poured hours into that and finally perfected it.

Before she could rush down the stairs, she saw the piece of paper delicately slide it's way onto the floor. It reached a stop, right next to a boy's feet. Oh no. Just her luck.

Her sketch landed next to Percy Jackson, lightly brushing his shoe. He had seen it fall, and leaned down to take a closer look. Annabeth had gone a few steps down the concrete stairs and was looking at him, begging he would leave it, maybe helpfully place it a few feet away so she could pick it up, unseen.

Percy's attention had now turned from his group of friends to the piece of paper that had mysteriously landed at his feet. He furrowed his brow in confusion and picked it up to take a closer look. He could see the sketch, and the signature at the bottom. Annabeth Chase.

Annabeth saw him look around before locking eyes with her. Oh shit. She had signed the piece of paper. He began to walk over to her, and a couple of his friends gave him a confused look, and watched what he was doing. He walked up to the step where Annabeth was standing.

She could swear she was red with embarrassment and he held out the piece of paper and said "Is this yours?"

"Oh, uh, yes." She took the paper, "Thanks." She quickly added.

He took one last look at the paper. She could see his eyes examining it closely.

"By the way, that's really nice." He said, somehow sounding totally cool.

"Oh." She said with a tone of surprise. She was completely taken aback. "Thanks. Thank you." He shot her a small smile before returning to his friends.

Annabeth was still a bit shocked from what had happened, but sat back down at the bench. Piper and Silena were approaching so she played it cool and forced herself to act like nothing had happened.

He had said it was nice. Percy Jackson. He thought her sketch was nice. This shouldn't be a surprise, she had already admitted her sketch was nice. But he didn't have to say anything. But he did? Gods she needs to stop overthinking this.

He was back with his friends, creating chaos, the usual. But, just the way he swept his hair back, the way he seemed so care free. She let out a small sigh. Then, out of the corner of her eye she saw Rachel Elizabeth Dare approaching him. She wasn't really his girlfriend. They had never been called that, but they were definitely in a romantic relationship of some kind. It had been very on and off throughout the last two or so years, and details of everything was heavily spread through gossip and rumours.

"Um, Beth." She was rudely interrupted from the stream of her thoughts by Piper tapping her shoulder. She looked at Annabeth, then narrowed her eyebrows before asking "Are you staring at Percy?"

Annabeth tried to ask surprised, you know, like she totally hadn't been staring at him. "No! What? Of course not-"

"Annabeth, we all think he's hot, it's fine." Silena interrupted.

"No! No way! He is not. I don't-"

"Stop it, it's fine I won't tell anyone." Piper said, with a smirk.

"Won't tell anyone what?"

"That you like Percy Jackson."

"No! I don't!" Annabeth got defensive, making Piper and Silena both glance at each other, then immediately burst into laughter.

"I'll take that reaction as a yes." Silena said through giggles.

Annabeth folded her arms and glared at both of them. She then let out a large sigh before turning to the table. Her friends could be difficult sometimes. But deep down she knows she wouldn't trade it for the world.

After a solid ten seconds, she gives up on the silent treatment and joins in the discussion they're having about "that one pose Rachel always does in her Instagram posts". As always it ends I'm uncontrollable laughter, and tears running down cheeks.

Yeah, Annabeth wouldn't trade this for anything. Even when they annoy the hell out of her.

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