Chapter Ten || Butterflies

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A/N: This chapter was literally just me wanting to write happy stuff, so enjoy :) The next chapter may not be as happy but it's vital to the storyline trust me. Anyway, I hope you are having a  great day, and you know what, do some self care you deserve it <3

As Annabeth drifted into sleep, she had lots of thoughts swirling through her mind. Lots of thoughts that she threw right to the back of her head and ignored. She didn't have time for that, it was 2am and if she didn't sleep now she would have a difficult time functioning tomorrow.

After a while, her eyes began to rest, and she dozed off, into the depths of sleep.

Only to wake up five hours later and not be able to go back to sleep.

Annoyed, Annabeth stood up and quietly stepped around her sleeping friends. Her throat was incredibly dry and she felt as if she hadn't drank in years. She desperately made her way downstairs, to the kitchen. She'd never needed a glass of water more.

Annabeth knew where everything was in the kitchen, she'd been friends with Thalia for so long now that it was almost like she lived there too. As she pulled a glass out of the cupboard and filled it at the sink, Annabeth and a strange, unshakable feeling that she was being watched.

She lifted the glass to her lips and just as she filled her mouth with water a voice spoke from behind her, "Hey."

She almost spat out the water in shock, choking on it as she spun round. She had only just swallowed her mouthful when she realised who it was. Percy.

"Can't sleep either?" He casually mentioned.

He was wearing a white tank top that barely covered his chest, as well as a pair of grey sweatpants. Annabeth had heard before that he was muscular, but in a combination of the shock and tiredness, she didn't know how to react to it. She could see his defined shoulders, and the outline of his abs. His hair was messy, but still perfectly placed. As he ran his hand through the wavy strands, Annabeth found herself wondering how someone could look so good after just waking up.

Annabeth almost forgot she had to respond. "Yeah, I was just grabbing a glass of water."

"Oh, okay." He looked around awkwardly before continuing. "If you're hungry, I'm going to make some breakfast."

Part of her wanted to get away and go back to Thalia's room, plus, she was starving. And would it be so bad to get some time alone with Percy? Maybe he would make good company.

"I might just take you up on that offer."

Percy grinned in response and said "Alright then. I was thinking I would make pancakes, maybe even extra for when the others wake up. You can help if you want, just to make the process go quicker, you know?"

"Right then. Where do we start, Jackson."

They scavenged for ingredients in the cupboards and found bowls, spoons and frying pans. Percy knew off by heart how to make pancakes, he explained that his mother teaches him how to bake and cook. This made Annabeth melt, but she tried not to show it. It was so sweet that he spent time with his mother, and that he was proud to say he did so.

He poured some mixture into the frying pan. Annabeth was stirring up more batter as they now planned to make everyone breakfast. As she tipped some flour into the bowl, some of it spilt into the air and hit Percy on the arm. He looked at her. She looked at him. "Was that on purpose?" He asked.


"Hm..." He paused for a moment before suddenly reaching out to the bag of flour on the countertop and grabbing some. Before Annabeth could react, flour hit her in the stomach.

"Alright then. Is this a challenge?!" She said, quickly grabbing flour and throwing it, hitting his neck.

"If you want war, then you get war!" He exclaimed, this time getting a full handful of flour hitting her square in the face. She burst out laughing, but continued with the fight. In between throws, Percy was flipping pancakes and Annabeth eventually managed to catch him off guard.

Flour was in his mouth. He admitted defeat and she was victorious.

They quickly cleaned that up, and sat down on some stools to eat. They each had a massive stack of pancakes, alongside a large jug of maple syrup.

Eventually, between mouthfuls, they started to talk. Annabeth couldn't believe how natural it felt. How she could talk to him so easily and barely stuttered or felt awkward.

"Honestly though, this has been better than a guy's sleepover."

"Really? Are you sure it's been manly enough for you?"

He laughed at her comment. "I don't know, it's just... this is going to sound stupid but," he sighed and gave a small laugh "I just didn't really know you before this and now I feel like we're friends."

Annabeth was taken aback for a moment. That was such a sweet thing for him to say, she couldn't help but smile.

"No, it's not stupid. I agree that we-"

She was interrupted by the door slamming open. It was Piper.

"Annabeth Chase, what are you doing down here!?"

"Piper, please..." she said, trying to calm her down.

"I wake up, you're gone. Ditched us for some stupid boy. I can't believe it." She said whilst sighing, dramatically. "Ooo! Are those pancakes!?" Suddenly her mood had changed.

The three of them now continued making pancakes, until eventually everyone had woken up and been fed. Annabeth had gone upstairs to get changed leaving Piper and Percy alone in the kitchen, everyone else was in the living room.

"Percy, just listen for a moment." She talked seriously with a tone of authority to her voice. "Annabeth is my best friend, I know her like the back of my hand and I will always put her needs before my own. I see how you look at her and talk to her, and I know the type of person you are. If you hurt her or make her upset I will ruin you. Is that clear?"

"I don't get it. Piper, we're just friends."

"I said, is that clear?"

He sighed. "Yes. Fine. But nothing is between us, okay? The last thing I want is rumours spreading."

"And that's the last thing I want for Annabeth."

Colours || A Mortal Percabeth Soulmate AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя