Chapter Five || Heartbreak in Fifth Period

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Knock, knock.

Annabeth ignored it.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

The knocking got continually more violent. Annabeth's face was still drenched in tears, she hadn't yet dared to exit the stall and face the world. Now someone was banging on the door. It got louder. Louder. Louder and louder, until her mind turned to fog and her head exploded in anger.

"There's someone in here!" She exclaimed.

"I know." Said the voice, bluntly.


Annabeth recognised her friend's voice. At first she was relieved but then she realised what Piper's true intention was.

"So, let me in."

"What? No."

"Oh come on, I can hear you crying." There was a pause. "I've been waiting for you to leave the stall for twenty minutes."

Annabeth let out an angry grunt. Piper knew her too well. It irritated her.

"We're the only ones in here. So just open the stupid door."

Annabeth gave no response.

Piper sighed. "Listen, I know something happened. I saw Rachel and Drew leave. I had heard them talking about you."

"Plus, this is where you always go to cry."

Annabeth reluctantly stepped forwards and unlocked the door. Piper was going to talk to her anyway, she might as well not be talking through a door.

Piper's face moved into a frown when she saw Annabeth. She could see the tears gathered in her eyes and the saddened, almost heartbroken expression still fresh on her face.

She walked forward and kneeled on the floor in front of where Annabeth was sitting, on the closed lid of the toilet. Piper didn't say a word, but held out her arms and wrapped her into a tight but gentle hug.

As she pulled away, Piper said, "Okay Beth, what did those assholes do to you."

Annabeth had explained everything. But before they knew it, the bell had rung and the pair had to make their way to their next lesson. Annabeth had English. Great, Percy was in her class. They sat with only one person separating them, and Rachel was also in that class. The very thought of all that could go wrong made her eyes begin to well up with tears.

She made her way to the classroom and sat down in her seat. Next to her was Grover, who she knew was a close friend of Percy's. He was also quite popular, but only because of the people he hung out with. He was quite a short boy, with a head full of messy curls that often fell over his face. He had an innocent, almost childlike look to him. Annabeth knew about him due to the environmental protests he had attended and the campaigns he made in school.

Then, next to Grover, sat Percy. Annabeth was determined to ignore him. Just to forget he's there.

Directly behind Percy sat Rachel. That meant she could see and hear everything. Every move, every glance, every word spoken. She was there.

The lesson dragged on for way too long. Annabeth looked at the clock. How had it only been half an hour? It felt like it had been a day.

Her whole body was tense, she couldn't relax. She was aware of Rachel's eyes on her at all times. One wrong move and she didn't want to imagine what would happen. Her breathing was heavy. She felt like her whole body was being crushed by a weight, and every time she moved she struggled and buckled under the pressure.

She was aware of Percy and Grover talking next to her. They were loudly discussing last night's football game. There was no way she couldn't be aware of it as they were practically yelling.

Their conversation drifted. "Yeah Perce, just don't forget your Chemistry homework again, I think Mr Brunner may actually kill you next time." Grover mentioned, with a laugh.

"Oh shit." Percy's voice suddenly turned serious.

"Annabeth," Percy started.

Oh no, oh no, oh no. He's talking to me. He can't be doing this. Why does he want to talk to me? Why now?

"When's the Chemistry homework due?" Percy finished.

Her heart was beating a thousand times a second. She could barely breathe. As she turned her head she could see Rachel watching her, staring at her, waiting to see her next move.

Tick, tick, tick. She could hear the clock. She could hear time going on, time in which Percy was waiting for her to respond. She must look like an idiot, just staring like that. Think Annabeth, think. You have to say something.


There was a collective pause.

"It's due tomorrow." She muttered, before turning back to her work and trying to ignore him. She wanted to show Rachel she was not interested in talking to him at all.

"Oh my gods, I totally forgot! Was it that difficult sheet with the picture of the disformed apple on it?"

He's trying to start a friendly conversation. Normally she would jump with joy. Why did he have to be so suddenly interested in talking to her now? What about another time, you know, like when Rachel's not right there watching her.

She looked at him blankly. She must seem so rude right now. She stuttered over words for a moment before saying "Yeah, I think so." As bluntly as possible and trying to ignore him. Trying to show she didn't want to talk to him. But she did. She knew she did.

"Um, okay." He said, more quietly.

"Well you probably didn't find it difficult, you're smart." He added.

His comment made her heart melt. He thought she was smart! She could feel a flush reaching her face. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. But out of the corner of her eye, she could see Rachel. She looked angry, annoyed.

She was torn between what to do. She had the chance to talk to Percy, someone who was proving himself to be nice. She wanted to talk to him so badly.

But seeing Rachel she knew what she must do if she wanted to survive the last 10 months she had left at this school.

She forced herself to hold a blank expression and said "Oh." Before ignoring him and continuing her work.

She could see Rachel smiling. Cruel bitch.

As she saw Percy's face fall, she had to look away. Her heart shattered at the idea she had upset him. He just looked so down, had she really made such an impression on him?

The time ticked on and the end of the lesson fell upon them.

Annabeth walked out the room, and then out of the school. It was the end of the day and she felt she deserved at least four hours of silence to cry in her room.

Percy couldn't help but feel upset. He wasn't sure why, after all her had only really spoken to Annabeth once. But yesterday she had been so nice, she was fun to joke around with and he thought she felt the same way.

By the way she blatantly ignored him he knew that wasn't true.

It had put a downer on his mood and his girlfriend Rachel could tell he was upset. Little did he know, she knew why. 

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