Chapter Four || Crying in the Bathroom

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(It's now a day after the last chapter.)

The corridors are crowded at Goode High. There are people stopped in the middle of the corridor, huddling in groups to talk to their friends. There are people gathered at their lockers, with bags on the floor and the occasional piece of paper taking flight as it's flung out of a folder, landing in the middle of a crowd. There are those who are pushing and shoving their way through the mob, shouting at their friends, making gestures and saying words they wouldn't dare do around their grandmas.

Annabeth Chase was standing shoulder to shoulder in a massive crowd, feeling claustrophobic and small. She could smell a revolting mix of men's deodorant and women's perfume that made her want to gag. Sweaty arms touched her own and someone rammed into her back, throwing her to the side with such a blow that she toppled sideways, smacking into a locker.

Opening her eyes after having been forced to brace for impact, she found herself staring into the angered, emerald green eyes of Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

She had fallen right onto her locker.

She hastily took a quick, gasping, breath. "I am so sorry. So sorry."

She moved away as fast as she could, managing to just about break eye contact and escape alive. She rejoined the hoard and prayed that she would get to chemistry on time. She had been strangely excited for that lesson, she didn't know why. She thought about it for a moment. Could it be Percy? Everyone in school knew he was good looking. No, Annabeth did not find him good looking. Not at all.

Well perhaps just a little bit?

She entered the science lab only a few seconds before the bell rang, and rushed to her seat. While she was putting down her bag and pulling out her textbooks, she noticed Percy sitting there. How the hell was she later than Percy Jackson?

That lesson they were to conduct an experiment to examine bonds in different compounds, and everyone had to work with the person next to them. Annabeth gathered some equipment, and was surprised by the sight that Percy was actually helping. He had fetched her a pair of goggles, and also brought over some materials.

She tied her curls back into a tight ponytail and slipped on the goggles, before beginning the experiment. Quickly, she found herself talking to Percy about what they were doing. He was surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Hmm, I can scoop the powder while you fill the beaker with water." He suggested.

"Sure, sounds good." She responded, holding out the spatula. As he grabbed it, their hands brushed. It was brief but for some reason the contact made her cheeks flush. She turned away quickly and made her way to the sink, with a beaker in hand.

She was sure that it was just embarrassment. Who the hell gets flustered from hands briefly brushing? Not her.

She could see him from the sink. He had a concentrated, serious, expression as he scooped the light looking powder into the test tube. His dark hair was messy, but in a strangely perfect way. It just framed his face so, well, perfectly.

Oh my gods, she was not thinking this about Percy Jackson. But his hair is nice... No! No, no, no. Not today. Not ever. She would never fall for that weird charm that some went head over heels for.

But dam, his jawline... Shut up Annabeth! No more thoughts.

She returned to the desk and they continued the experiment. They spoke purely about the work, in short, slightly awkward phrases. She couldn't seem to bring herself to make eye contact with him.

But somehow the topic drifted. Drew had walked over to Percy a few minutes ago, just to "talk". She was actually just flirting. It made Annabeth want to gag. Once she had walked away, Percy turned to her and said.

"Gods, sometimes she just won't give up."

Annabeth was surprised. She thought he liked Drew, the entire school knew they had a thing going on for a few months and they had definitely fucked before.

"Hm?" She said, with a hint of confusion. "What do you mean?"

"She just doesn't leave me alone sometimes. What is her problem?"

Annabeth didn't know whether to be shocked or happy that Percy was being so suddenly open with her. She tried to also act the same when she responded.

"Yeah, she's pretty annoying."

He chuckled. "Really? You think that. I was certain the whole school worshipped her."

"Oh that's just what Drew thinks." There was a short pause. "But really, I don't think anyone even likes her clothes or makeup, let alone her personality."

"Don't even get me started!" He shook his head and laughed as he slumped against the desk. Annabeth laughed with him.

"I'm Drew and I try to beat the record for most foundation worn every day!" He impersonated her, speaking in a high pitched tone.

This made the two of them fall into fits of laughter, leading to them both gasping for air. They continued mocking Drew for a minute, before realising they need to get back to the experiment, and reluctantly returning to the task at hand.

While she was writing up results, she could see Drew out of the corner of her eye, glaring at her. She hadn't overheard them, had she?

The lesson ended and Annabeth walked out of the doorway. After exiting the room, she could see Drew whispering to Rachel. She accidentally caught eye contact with Rachel who gave a dirty look that she knew could mean only one thing. Annabeth Chase, you're dead.

She quickly ran into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, fighting for time. She didn't need the bathroom, her main goal was to hide.

But just as she thought she had lost them, she watched the two of them walk through the door, firmly closing it behind them.

Drew and Rachel. Easily the most powerful girls in school, and they were both glaring at her, their eyes filled with hatred.

They stopped, only about a foot in front of her. Drew smirked. "Don't act all innocent Chase, you know what this is about."

Annabeth let out what was supposed to be a questioning "Huh?" But in her fear had turned into more of an exasperated gasp.

"Oh are you confused? Let me refresh your memory." Drew continued. She spoke like she had rehearsed from a script. She didn't break eye contact once. "I saw you laughing and joking with Percy in Chemistry."

Oh thank gods, she hadn't heard what they were saying.

"And I was just telling Rachel here about how you were flirting with her boyfriend."


It was now Rachel who looked her in the eye and began to speak. "You take my word Annabeth Chase. If you ever go near my boyfriend again, I will ruin you."

She didn't dare guess what that meant. They both held so much status in the school, with one rumor they could guarantee no one ever spoke to her again. Her head ran through the possibilities of what they could do.

Drew and Rachel had left the bathroom. Tears began to spill down her cheeks. She hadn't done anything wrong, what is her problem? Now she can't speak to Percy. Just as she thought they could possibly be friends. No. That can't happen. She can't risk daring to speak to him.

Someone was opening the door. She panicked and ran into a stall, slamming the door closed and swiftly locking it.

And here she must stay. Crying in a bathroom stall during lunch. How pathetic.

But she wouldn't dare open the door. She knew if she tried to face the world again she would cry, and humiliate herself. It's better if she stays in the stall. Crying. Alone.

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