Chapter Eight || Truth or Dare Part One

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Annabeth knocked on the door of Thalia's house. It was now the weekend and she was invited to a sleepover with Thalia, Piper and Silena.

About 30 seconds later she wondered whether anyone was actually going to open the door. There was a cold wind that day and Annabeth wanted to get inside quickly. Just as she was debating knocking again the door burst open and she could see Piper's grinning face.

"Hey!" Thalia said from behind Piper.

"Heyyy!!!" Piper said, louder.

Annabeth laughed and said "Hey guys!" This was going to be a fun sleepover.

The three headed to Thalia's room and waited on Silena, who was fashionably late as always, showing up ten minutes later.

Thalia lived with her brother Jason and her Aunt and Uncle. Her mother had been an alcoholic and her father left just after Jason was born. Thalia was only ten months old at the time. Her and her brother were taken from her mothers custody when they were both ten, and they're been living with their Aunt and Uncle ever since.

The girls left their bags in Thalia's room and headed downstairs to the living room, where there was more space.

"So, what now?" Said Piper.

"We could play a board game." Thalia suggested.

"I thought you didn't like board games?" Annabeth asked.

"My aunt converted me. She's a board game person."

Thalia left the room to fetch one of the, apparently many, board games. She came back a minute later with monopoly.

"Monopoly? Really?!" Silena complained.

"This is gonna take hours..." Piper said, dramatically.

"Relax drama queens. We can give up if it goes on for too long." Thalia said, placing the box down.

After setting everything up, they began to play. Annabeth jumped in quickly, managing to secure park lane. Silena was the first to a full set, owning all the yellows. Thalia almost went bankrupt from a chance card after having to pay repairs on every house and hotel. Piper was broke so she began attempting to steal money from Annabeth.

"Hey!!!" Annabeth called out after catching Piper's sneaking hand, sliding across the floor to her money for the fifth time now.

"What!?" Piper said, defensively while pulling her hand back.

The game descended into chaos after that. Stealing money, moving houses, and even taking properties. The four fell into laughter and yells of accusation.

Jason had come downstairs to grab a snack from the kitchen when he heard the commotion. He stuck his head round the corner, into the living room and exclaimed "What the hell?"

Piper saw him and excitedly yelled "Jason!"

Annabeth audibly groaned. She was hoping it would take at least until after dinner for Piper to go all lovey-dovey with Jason.

"Hey Pipes! I was just-"

"Nope!" Thalia interrupted, grabbing her brother by the shoulders and leading him away. "Not fair!" He protested.

"Why can't I join in? I'm cool."

Thalia ignored him and kept pushing him.

"Oh come on Thales, just let him..." Piper said with puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, never. Goodbye." She said, pushing him to the stairs and leaving him to go back up.

After the game of monopoly had completely collapsed to the point of no one knowing who owns what, they all went up to Thalia's bedroom. Piper "accidentally" bumped into Jason again.

"Just to let you know Thales, I invited the boys." Jason casually said.

"What!?!" Thalia said in a sudden outburst.

"Aunt Sue said I could."

"Who? When? Why!"

"It's just Percy and Grover. Relax"

Percy? Percy was coming here? This clouded Annabeth's thoughts. Would she see him? Would he see her? She was almost excited. She snapped herself out of it. It was nothing. "The boys" would probably leave them alone. You know what, they better leave them alone. She wasn't letting them ruin her sleepover.

About ten minutes into the girls talking in Thalia's room, Annabeth could hear the clattering and shouts of Jason, Percy and Grover coming upstairs. They were loud, and didn't get any quieter after entering Jason's room.

The four girls had ordered pizza for their dinner. When the doorbell rang, they all went to fetch it together. Well three of them did, Piper talked to Jason.

"Piper! You better come down here if you want food." Silena yelled.

"Traitor." Thalia muttered under her breath.

Piper reluctantly headed downstairs, and Annabeth diverted her attention to her pizza. She had ordered chicken and sweetcorn, her absolute favourite. As she took her first bite, she soon noticed that Piper had not come downstairs alone.

"Jason. Upstairs." Thalia said sternly, in a big sister manner.

"Awww, don't we get pizza?" Annabeth heard Percy's voice say, from behind her. She quickly turned to look and sure enough, he was right there.

"Not unless you pay for it yourself." Silena answered.

"I think Jason should stay." Piper said.

"Of course you do." Annabeth responded.

"I'm gonna order pizza." Grover said, grabbing his phone.

As the girls ate, the boys hovered around the table, apparently "starving". Jason earned a pity piece of pizza from Piper, but the others didn't cave in.

When their pizza arrived, they too took seats at the table, and Percy pulled out a chair right next to Annabeth. She swore she could feel her heart flutter. Stop it Annabeth, he has a girlfriend.

It was at that moment the sleepovers began to merge. They began to get along and Thalia reluctantly accepted the idea of letting them stay.

After eating, the girls continued with what they were going to do, and the boys followed oblivious to what they had signed up for. They all entered the bathroom and Silena pulled out the packets of face masks from her bag.

Jason and Grover groaned. Percy grinned?

"Okay I'm out." Grover said.

"I second that." Said Jason.

"Oh come on." Said Percy.

"Dude, what?" Jason looked at him, confused.

"This could be fun. Don't you want perfect skin?"

Annabeth wasn't sure whether he was joking or not. They all gathered round, applying the masks to their face and laughing at how they looked, Percy was staring at the packet, unsure on what to do.

"Hey, how do you do this?" He turned to her and asked.

"Oh just wash your face and put it on."

"Hm. I thought it was more complicated." He said, flashing her a small smile. She was still for a moment, before quickly turning away from the others, fighting the heat that she could feel rising to her cheeks. Stop, stop, stop. He's just a boy.

After they had finished with that, they all gathered in Thalia's room and Piper decided to force them all into playing truth or dare.

A/N: Sorry this chapters a little bit shorter, I've had quite a bit of school shit to do.

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