The moment we stepped out of my apartment building I was hit in the face with freezing cold air. It nipped at my face instantly making me shiver. The thick sweater and leggings I had on didn't do much to bat the cold. You would think after spending my entire life here I'd get use to the cold but nope. Every year it still shocks me how cold it gets.

I practically shoved Logan to the side as I all but ran towards his truck. The sky was dark and cloudy, ready to snow at any moment. Logan took his sweet time making his way towards me, clearly enjoying watching me bounce on my toes as I froze my ass off.

As soon as he hit unlock I jumped inside, leaving my suitcase for him to deal with. Serves him right for making me wait out in the cold. The truck wasn't on but it was by far warmer than it was outside.

"Thanks for the help." Logan deadpanned as he slid into the divers seat.

"Wanted to see if those muscles were just for show." I looked at his arm, although covered from his jacket, you could practically see the muscle underneath. "Guess they aren't."

Logan just shook his head and started the truck. As he pulled out of the parking lot and started for the freeway I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait! Can we stop by the bakery really quick?"

"The bakery? Why?"

"I forgot something there. Please." I put on my best puppy dog look. I know it would put us back a few minutes but it was important.

"Fine, but we have to make it quick before it starts snowing."

"I will!" I beamed.

The roads were pretty empty as we made our way to the bakery. As soon as Logan pulled up I quickly jumped out, keys in hand. I ordered a present the other day and it literally came yesterday afternoon and I forgot it was siting on the counter when I left. Couldn't go to Christmas without it.

I made quick work of going over to the counter where I could see the box I put there yesterday in my rush to leave. Knowing Logan was outside waiting for me I snatched the box up and headed back to the truck.

I so badly wanted to open it and see what was inside but with Logan next to me I couldn't. After seeing Logan in the bakery I went online and found this cute apron that said "Hands off my Buns" and it had these two cute little buns above it. I found it funny and thought it would be the perfect Christmas present.

Jumping into his truck I slammed the door quickly, shivering from only being outside for a second.

"Good?" Logan peered over at me. I lifted the box with a grin.

"Yep!" He eyed the box for a moment before backing out onto the street. As he headed for the freeway I sent both Knox and Aubrey's mom a text that we were leaving. Not even seconds later I got one back from my brother. He was probably waiting by his phone.

"Excited for Christmas?" I asked a few minutes later, trying to break up the slightly awkward tension between us.

"Am I suppose to be?"

"Duh! It's Christmas eve tomorrow!"

I owe Aubrey a lot. When she met Knox and I 8 years ago, we had lost our parents and the thought of spending Christmas without them was....well horrible. I knew Knox wouldn't have admitted it but he didn't want to do anything for the holiday.

When I found Aubrey's ad I replied without even thinking. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. It gave Knox and Aubrey each other but it also gave me a family.

They all took me under their wings and became the family I hadn't known I needed. No one could replace my parents but it didn't mean my heart couldn't grow to accept new family.

Now I loved Christmas time. I loved us all going to Aubrey's mom's house to celebrate. Doing gingerbread houses, going to the Christmas festival, spending all of Christmas morning opening presents and just having fun. It was honestly the best time of year.

"Trust me you're about to see what all the excitement is about. Aubrey's mom knows how to do Christmas."

"Should I be concerned?"

I softly shoved his shoulder.

"No. So we have a gingerbread house contest, probably tonight, which is a lot of fun. Although Knox and Aubrey have won the last three years." I rolled my eyes at that.

"Then Christmas eve we go to the festival during the day. We go sledding and ice skating. Then when we get home we all get matching PJ's to wear." I smiled at the memories of past Christmas's.

"Wow you do go all out."

"What do you usually do for Christmas?" I asked, curious as to where he disappears to.

"Nothing." Logan said with a shrug. He said it like it wasn't a big deal at all.

"Nothing?" I echoed.

"Growing up we didn't have much." I glanced over at him to see his jaw was clenched tightly and he looked uncomfortable talking.

We? Who's we?

"When we got older we stopped celebrating it." The thought of Logan not celebrating Christmas made my chest hurt; especially as a little kid. Every kid deserved to do something.

"Well we are going to change that." I vowed. I was going to make this Christmas his favorite one. 


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