Eleven | Slavic Long Legs

150 13 131

SOTC: Фиолетово by RASA

(Look up 'RASA' on your music app, click on their profile, then the song with the purple cover with a moth on it.)

I promise even if you don't know Russian, you won't be disappointed.


Then Xerxes opened the door.

Hazelnut and angelic white finishes completed an office interior, shades ranging in varieties on surfaces to carry glass structures and expensive abstract arts. It was so clean on the eyes it made a nun's bra look like a sweaty cash stuffer.

That was an atrocious reference.

Anyway, a long, white desk stretched across the room with men in suits with woman in professional skirts and blouses. They turned to us when we came in, but it was a sharp-faced blonde woman and a bald man with icy eyes that approached.

"Mr. Christakos," the man greeted Xerxes in a thick accent.

"Mr. Vladislav," Xerxes said to him then turning to the middle-aged woman. "Mrs. Yukov. Thank you for joining me along with your negotiators."

"Our thanks as well." The woman, who I guess was Mrs. Yukov, also had a thick accent.


We all spun around to a girl sauntering swiftly to Xerxes on platforms. Dark hair cascaded down a large bust, and a black leather skirt hugged her five-nine legs. There was only one sentence to encompass her chiseled face and figure:

She. Was. Hot.

"Maria," Xerxes just said when she leaned onto his side.

Hold up...

That was Maria?!

When the two made a brief kiss, with Maria giggling profusely afterward, I only thought of how their children would break the internet. No, the whole world.

"Who is this?"

They all turned to me as Mr. Vladislav made the comment.

"Clara Stratton, my right hand," Xerxes deadpanned.

I felt his hand tap mine, and I took it as the que to say, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"She's American?" Maria immediately goes.

I nodded.

Mr. Vladislav and Ms. Yukov raised their eyebrows.

"Mr. Vladislav and Ms. Yukov, let us sit," Xerxes said, gesturing to the table. "We will begin the negotiations shortly."

We sat at the table along with the other negotiators. Xerxes spoke to the negotiators about something as they all arranged papers. I looked down and began fiddling with my fingers, bored with myself.

"Боже мой, не смотри на нее!"

[In Russian] Oh my god, don't look at her!

It came from Maria in a giggle, who sat across from me.

"Был ли Цирксийс на наркотиках?" It was from another drop-dead gorgeous girl in a wheeze with brown eyes next to her.

Was Xerxes on drugs?

Maria covered her mouth. "Слава богу, она вашингтонская сука, иначе мне пришлось бы продолжать смеяться каждый раз, когда я смотрю на нее!"

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