Chapter Part 47 - Who are you brother?

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"You know, I was expecting a more, heartfelt reunion."

I stared at him, not holding back any of my emotions. I was so focused, that my glare could probably kill a weak mana beast. "Considering what you did back at the dungeon, I'm surprised you even considered it."

Our words weren't hateful. It was weird. We were having a genuine conversation. "I suppose I should've expected that. There was no way you wouldn't know it was me." he shrugged.

We had at least 30 minutes until Aya and her reinforcements arrived. Maybe 15.

"Care to tell me why you're here Grey?" I laced my words with poison.

"Scythe Grey Vritra." he corrected. That was the straw that broke the shadow panthers back. I didn't waste any time. I shot forwards with my sword hand next to my face. I used air magic to glide across the ground. I aimed for his head. I had a sneaking suspicion that even if I hit his heart he wouldn't die.

He responded in kind, manifesting a purple sword out of nowhere, using one hand on the handle and another on the blade in order to fully block my strike. Sparks flew as our blades clashed. It felt like all the eyes on the battlefield were watching us. I should assume his entire arsenal has changed.

I retreated quickly. I know for a fact I cannot beat him in a sword fight. My first attack was meant to give a quick death. "Why didn't you kill me? I know you could've," I questioned. His feet haven't moved at all and his eyes followed each of my movements.

I knew I was outclassed. My mana which was infused in my blade instantly dissipated the second it hit that purple blade. I retreated back even further when suddenly an elf tumbled in between us.

I was about to yell at him to run, fearing that Grey would kill him without mercy, but he just blurred and appeared closer, in front of the elf. He even punched the Alacryan away who was about to stab the elf.

All hopes of running were gone. He can move faster than my eyes can perceive. "Come with me Tessia. Don't resist," he demanded, holding out a mana restricting artifact. "Never," I spat, retreating back even further. I had to credit him somewhat, he refused to kill that elf and even saved him.

I felt him grab my wrist. I spun on my back foot, going to hit his head back. He was close to putting the artifact on. Suddenly an explosion rocked his side. "Tessia!" Stannard yelled from a tree. He had fired an explosion spell from his weapon.

Grey's whole side was gone. His arm was blown off and his ribcage was exposed. His skin was melting off and bones were sticking out. But his head was undamaged. He probably only augmented his head to defend from my attack.

I kept running. Through the hordes of fighting, the bodies of elves and Alacryan and blood coated blades.The air in front of me blurred again. Grey appeared in front of me, his skin no longer burnt and flaky. His arm, which was fully blown off, was slowly regenerating.

HIs bone was regrowing, a feat that wasn't possible even for the best healers. Flesh coated his arm, following just behind the bone. It appeared bubbly, and would set into a normal arm shape almost instantly. In a few seconds the part of him which was blasted away by Stannard was completely back, skin smooth and study bones .

His only weakness is probably his core, but I can't imagine it'll ever be easy. "T-That's impossible!" yelled Stannard, who was watching from the tree top. His voice trembled and shook, terror taking over him . Caria , who ran to assist me, shared Stannard's look of pure, unfiltered terror.

I took a deep breath, bottling up all of my emotions. Caria didn't scream, as Grey's back was turned to her. Smart move.

"We were right." I tore into him. "You deserved everything that happened that day."

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