Chapter 7

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"Did you hear the rumor?" Caera asked me as we made our way to "Training for ascents" class.

"No I didn't, please enlighten me," I replied. It had been a few months since I came to school. Me and Seth became really close friends, I feel that I could be myself around him. It was the same with Caera and Mayla. Together we became great friends, even more so than Tessia and Elijah.

Seth got better and can now defend himself. There was obvious romance between Seth and Mayla but they haven't realized it yet. Which makes it hilarious. I made Seth promise to let us know when they start dating, much to his embarrassment.

The four of us hang out during the weekends as well. It was the first time I felt like I was actually living a proper childhood. We even played some games from my old life that I taught them. We didn't play Truth or Dare for 2 reasons. I'm not ready to tell Seth and Mayla my past and I fear for what Caera would dare me to do.

Unfortunately I haven't made any progress with my research on aether but Caera gave the Elderwood guardian's beast will to Sevren. Since Sevren can't use it he's planning to research it and even turn it into a weapon or tool.

"Well, apparently the school is going to see if they can get our training for ascent class into an actual ascent." replied Caera.

I raised my eyebrow in suspicion. "Aren't we first years? Why would they do that?" I asked.

"No clue, it's like they want us to die. Since the relictombs adjust to the strongest person–which is you–it'll be really hard to survive." Caera commented. It was true, I'm much stronger than anyone in our grade. Not sure about the upperclassmen though but I doubt any of them are stronger than me.

As we arrived at class we saw Valen already at our table. Caera and I became friends with Valen but not super close like Seth or Mayla. "Hello, Grey, Caera." said Valen as we sat down.

"Valen, we already told you to stop being so formal." I said as we sat down. "I know, it's just a habit after so many years of "maintaining my position as the next Highlord of the Remseyer blood." I'm glad you two don't treat me like that." replied Valen.

"Well I probably would if Grey wasn't so casual around everyone. Our parents really did drill it into us." said Caera, expressing her annoyance with the rules of being a highblood.

"That's understandable," said Valen. Then the teacher entered the room and clapped his hands together.

"Well I have some news for everyone! The school has decided that the strongest student's of each year will go on an ascent with their teacher!" he announced, his excitement spreading to everyone in class.

I saw Caera's eyes go wide in excitement and a smirk form on Valen's face. One student raised his hand, "Sir, who will these student's be?"

"I will read you the list right now. Grey of blood unnamed, Caera of Highblood Denoir, Enola of Highblood Frost, Mayla of Blood Fairweather, Valen of Highblood Remseyer and Seth of Highblood Milview." read the teacher.

I had been training Seth and Mayla outside of my melee enchantment class so it made sense they were strong. Valen, Caera and I were a given since all three of us had made a name for ourselves as people you shouldn't mess with. People were even trying to transfer to my class to learn from me. I also knew Enola was a trustworthy person since I've talked to her in melee enchantment class.

I didn't have time to think about anything though. I was too excited upon hearing my name. I keep it in, or tried to at least until Caera shot out of her seat pulling me into a hug. Valen was also trying his best to keep it in but his eyes deceived him. Everyone in class was staring in jealousy at all of us. The guys looked extra angry at me though.

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