Chapter 33 - An Astounding Speech

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I stepped through the portal, still unused to the sensation. As I did I heard the deafening sounds of people talking. It was distant but also close. I looked towards where the sounds were coming from. There was another huge doorway with a curtain instead of a door.

"Activate your armor, it'll be weird if a Scythe without horns is announced," Nico instructed as he exited the portal behind me."Although I have horns I'm still not Scythe level so I'm just going to stay in this room."

I took a good look at his horns. While I noticed them I never acknowledged them. "You can stop staring now. If you want horns to study just ask your girlfriend," Nico started with an annoyed tone. I just rolled my eyes.

"So you're the new Scythe that replaced Cadell?"

I turned around to see a woman, not much shorter than me. She had pure black eyes and long purple hair. "Nice to meet you, Scythe Grey, my name is Scythe Viessa Vritra. I am the Scythe of Traucia." She gave a small wave.

Despite the fact I needed the position I hated what I needed to do to get it. I still feel a pain in my chest just knowing what I have to do to Tessia. But now, Caera means so much more to me, even if we fought.

"I'm not a Scythe yet, just Grey is fine," I answered. "But you will be in a few minutes," said another girl who walked up behind Viessa. She looked similar to Seris in both age and height with better proportions. (A.N This is what I was told she looks like by discord.) (E.N I don't think such a description was ever given...) (E.N2.0 I think Aye-Iron is lying....)

"Now, get out there," she pushed me out. I didn't even know who she was. I quickly activated my armor, earning a gasp from the Scythe and unknown girl. They quickly recovered though.

Once I got through the curtains I was blinded by the direct rays of sunlight. The talking soon turned to cheers as I waited for my eyes to adjust. There were hundreds if not thousands of people. I didn't even know where I was.

"When I heard the new Scythe was going to be a man I must admit I was expecting someone with more muscle." I turned to see a huge man with more muscle than armor. If I had to guess, he must be Scythe Dragoth.

"Leave him alone Dragoth, he's stronger than you," said Nico from behind the curtain. "Judging by the fact I can't even sense your mana he might be telling the truth," Dragoth chuckled.

"Who is announcing?" asked the unknown girl.

"Sovereign Orlaeth. Apparently since Grey here has connection to Seris she feels it's needed," answered Viessa.

"Where are the other Sovereigns?" I questioned as I looked around. Agrona has never left his castle, the main reason he's not here, so he leaves it up to the Sovereigns.

"They're somewhere. They don't like being in public so they watch from afar. That's the main reason Orlaeth is doing it despite the fact you're from central domain," Dragoth answered.

Suddenly another woman came out from behind the curtain. "Hello Grey. I am Sovereign Orlaeth," he greeted. Shedidn't even let me reply before he walked up to the podium. She tapped the artifact on the top which produced a powerful low rumble, similar to a microphone from earth.

"I stand here today to announce our newest Scythe. Scythe Grey Vritra!"

I walked forwards and instructed Regis to jump out. I walked forwards and stood out, Regis jumped out. The crowd started to mutter amongst themselves.

Regis let out something akin to a roar, which was amplified by the artifact. 'I didn't think you'd do something like that,' I teased. The entire mass of people cheered, their screams drowning out any conversation we could have.

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