Chapter 17 - Birthday

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I was standing just outside the dining hall, waiting for Caera. We spent most of the school day just talking about stuff. My plan was to... well I didn't really have a plan. I told Caera about my plan to become an ascender but in all reality we already made a plan. Since both of us had such a fascination for the relictombs we spent a lot of time together researching. Also that promise she forced me to make back around the time we first met. It was pretty much a certainty that we would become partners.

"Hey Grey," I turned to see Caera approaching. She was wearing the dress I suggested her buy back during our outing with Seth and Mayla. "Hey Caera, what's with the get up?" I asked. I myself was in just my school clothes. "I just thought I should wear it," replied Caera.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" I questioned. "I just planned for us to go to a restaurant," said Caera. Caera then walked up and grabbed my arm. We made our way to the on campus restaurant.

"Come on, I booked us a private room," said Caera as a servant led us to a closed off room. It was pretty small, I'd say about the size of a private room in a gaming cafe from my old world. Not that I've ever been in one but I've seen it in the media. On both sides was a red couch with a table in the middle. There wasn't even any foot room other than under the table.

I sat down and Caera sat next to me rather than across from me. "So, what's for dinner today?" I asked. Caera turned to me," Depends, what do you think we should have?"

I looked at the menu and saw my favorite food, beef stew. "I don't know about you but I'm going to get the beef stew, it's my favorite," I replied. "Hmmm, I think I'll get the grilled steak," said Caera as the waiter took the order.

After a while our food arrived. Caera eagerly started to eat her steak. I bit down into my stew. My favorite food in both lives. Expecting for the savory taste of beef and carrots I took a spoonful of the stew. Instead I got a disgusting bitter taste. The bitter taste must've shown on my face because Caera commented. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah, it tastes bitter," I replied. Caera raised an eyebrow in confusion," How can beef stew be bitter? Here, let me taste," said Caera as she took an extra spoon and tasted my stew.

"I don't know what you mean Grey, it tastes fine. In fact, it tastes really good," said Caera. Confused, I took another bite, only to find it as bitter as the first. It was only on my third bite that I realized why the taste was bitter. It tastes just like the beef stew Alice would make. I shoved the bowl across the table, disgusted by it. Guess I'll need a new favorite food.

"What's wrong? I thought it was your favorite?" asked Caera, clearly confused. "It was, now it just holds old memories," I replied. Caera cut her steak in half and handed me a part. "Here, have mine."

"Thanks," I replied as I grabbed the steak and started to eat. After we were done I walked Caera back to the entrance of the girl's dorm. "Hey Grey, is it possible to stop time and allow someone else to move with you?" asked Caera.

"Yes...why?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow. Caera put on an evil smile,"I want to scare Mayla," said Caera as she pointed to her open window. I smiled in the same way she had before activating my first phase. Caera looked around surprised. "Come on, I can't hold it for long with two people," I said as I picked Caera up into a bridal carry.

She put her arms around my neck as I jumped up through her window. There was Mayla, at her desk tinkering with her shotgun. I put Caera down, "A bit of warning next time," said Caera as she stood up. Caera then positioned herself behind Mayla, ready to scare her for when I unstop time. "Alright, I'll see you later," I said as I jumped out the window.

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