Chapter 6

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I made my way to the lunch hall after the information overload from reading Sevren's notes. Making artifact's is much harder than it seems. I grabbed my food and looked around for Caera. I found Caera in my mind more often than magic; which is saying a lot.

I couldn't find her so I sat down across from Seth. "Hey Seth, how was your second day?" I made small talk.

"Good, I spent my free time in the library,!" Seth proclaimed. He was beaming with excitement. His sudden change in attitude took me by surprise, "I guess he really loves reading," I thought.

Before Seth could pull me into the multiple rabbit holes of his knowledge Caera and her roommate came and sat down. Caera sat next to me and Mayla sat next to Seth.

"Hey Seth!" waved Mayla with an ear-to-ear smile. "H-Hi Mayla." replied Seth.

Me and Caera exchanged knowing glances. We smirked before turning back to Seth and Mayla. "Looks like I'll be a wingman for a while," I thought, an evil smile forming on mine and Caera's face.

"Grey of blood unnamed, please come to the director's office," said the voice enchantment artifacts that covered the entire school. Seth, Mayla and Caera looked at me with shocked expressions. Caera's expression was because of an entirely different reason.

"Well, I got to go," I said non-chanletly. I wasn't worried, if needed I could get away, but if they did find something they would've called Caera as well.

I entered the Directors office. If I remember correctly his blood name is Remseyer. I don't know his first name, I don't think anyone does.

"Hello Grey, please take a seat," said Remseyer. I sat down in front of his desk. His office was red. Like everything in it was red except for a few things. The only thing that wasn't red was the chair and desk. "What do you want with me director?" I asked with a polite tone.

"I heard you overtook melee enchantment class today. Not only that but the student's found your class useful. Now the teachers of that class never last very long because they keep getting bullied by the students." explained Remseyer.

"What does any of that have to do with me?" I asked.

"I would like you to teach that class," said Remseyer with a sly smile. I raised an eyebrow at the sudden and unexpected class. He noticed my reaction and went into further detail. "Mr Gachi has been fired due to improper reactions, and the fact I didn't like his mustache."

I gave him a judgmental look but he ignored me. "The student's that where there said you properly taught them how to throw a punch as well as how you easily defeated Portrel. Not only that, you're someone from an unnamed blood but you're being backed by the Denoir house. You have all the qualifications, you just need to accept." said Remseyer.

"What do I get out of this deal?" I asked with a smug smile. "I also expect to get paid if I do decide to become a teacher."

Remseyer chuckled, "Of course, your payment would be delivered every two weeks. As for what you'll get out of this, how about your own private lab. I noticed you have an artificer class so you surely know the worth of a private lab."

I pondered the offer. Since I would be attempting to work with aether–something that Sevren doesn't have much information on, or anyone else for that matter–it would be best to stay away from curious gazes. "Very well, if possible I would like my lab to be as isolated as possible."

"I knew you couldn't resist such a tempting offer," said Remseyer as he held out his hand.

"I do have a question though," I said before accepting his hand shake.

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