Chapter 46

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"So, what exactly am I supposed to tell Commander Virion? Oh hey, you know how you trusted me to look after Ellie? Well I let her get captured by the enemy and she escaped with friends she met." Feyrith only grew more and more annoyed the longer we sat around.

"In my defense, I didn't tell them to follow me, they did it of their own violation," I quipped, keeping my hands in front of me, as if it would protect me from Feyrith's anger. "But you did admit to being a Dicathen. If someone that wasn't one of them found the note, they would target you because of what you learned," Feyrith shot back.

He turned to Nathen and crew. "I'll ask this again, Why are there three Alacryan children in my camp?"

Jenaka was the first to answer, an obvious cheer in her voice. "Because Ellie is my girlfriend!"

I hung my head in shame, hiding behind my hands. That got Feyrith to raise a brow. "I suppose that's one way to get past your brother's overprotectiveness," he noted.

"YOU'RE MISUNDERSTANDING HER!" I yelled, my face flush red in annoyance and anger. Unfortunately, it is easily misinterpreted as Feyrith grins in response.

"I don't have anyone to go back to. My life is pretty miserable." Seamus spoke deadpanned. I silently thanked him for changing the topic, but I doubted he even noticed.

"I want to get stronger to prove myself to my brother, and I can't let my friends be in danger," Nathen pumped his fist. Feyrith just deadpanned him. "You're not the brightest are you?"

"Which one of you genius' decided to come here anyways?"


We all replied together. Feyrith just looked exhausted. Jenaka was oblivious to everyone and was smiling.

"You do understand I need to bring you to the council now right? Three willing enemies who can give us information are invaluable."

I was expecting this. But prisoners aren't treated kindly at all so I didn't want them anywhere near the council.

Nathen looked worried, Seamus had an air of apathy and Jenaka didn't look worried at all. She always seemed detached from the world around her. I was becoming a bit jealous of that little part of her. "Come, we're going now."

There was no arguing with his tone. We couldn't even resist if we wanted to thanks to his strength. Nathen's worried air only grew and grew while the other two didn't really care, but for different reasons.

"We'll be fine, right Eleanor?" Nathen asked as we hoped in a cart. The nearest teleport portal was a couple of kilometers away. "Calm down Nathen, it's not like we'll meet the commander," Jenaka assured.

"Actually.... You probably will," I answered, keeping my eyes off of them. "Why'd you have to go and ruin the surprise Ellie?" Feyrith chuckled.

"I doubt the commander of the entire Dicathen forces will come and see some random children," Seamus said with an irk in his voice. "Under normal circumstances, yes. But considering who Ellie is it's actually very likely," Feyrith noted.

"Ellie! Are you a runaway princess?!" Jenaka jumped forwards and got uncomfortably close. "No no no. I'm nothing of the sort. I'm just friends with the elven princess. Plus, my brother was the disciple of the commander so I kinda know him," I answered hesitantly. "Actually, I know both princesses but I'm not all that familiar with the human one, but she knows who I am."

"I'll believe you once you prove it," Seamus notes. Not once has he faltered from being his uncheerful self.

"So like, where are we going?" Jenaka asked. "Once you know you can't return to Alacrya until the war is over," Feyrith said.

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