Chapter 9

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I woke up to a wave of pain. I groaned in agony causing everyone to look my way. "Good morning," I chuckled.

"Grey!" Everyone yelled. I noticed a blanket on my shoulder and Caera's head on my lap. "Break. Green. Crystal. Ring." I stuttered.

Caera got up and took out one of the three healing crystals Alice made me. After hearing about the elderwood guardian she made more just before I told her my secret. They were the last things I had left from Dicathen apart from Dawn Ballad.

Caera then broke the crystal, healing me and causing the pain to subside. Everyone looked at the crystal, shocked. "I take it this isn't a common thing?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "We use potions, I've never seen a crystal do the same though," noted Seth as he stared

"So, who want an explanation, unless Caera gave you one already," I asked. "Yeah, what was that!? Your appearance changed and your voice became deep!" yelled Enola.

"Well to explain that I'll have to explain where I'm from." I started. Everyone raised an eyebrow at my statement. "I'm from Dicathen."

"WHHHAAAATT??!!!" The collective scream almost burst my eardrums. "You mean the continent that's filled with dangerous dungeons and lets mages run amok?" asked Mayla.

"Yeah, I guess we do do that. I mean, the dungeons are dangerous but nothing compared to the relictombs. Even an AA class dungeon couldn't compare to this place." I explained. "Also..." I took off my shirt to show my runes.

"What are you doing?!" asked Caera as she covered her face, not very well might I add. I ignored her and turned around and took off the bracelet that Seris gave me to create fake runes. I heard gasps from behind me. Caera's sounded weird though.

"H-How can you use magic without a spellform?" asked Seth.

I put my shirt back on and turned around. "Magic works differently in Dicathen," I explained. I then explained Dicathen culture, not telling them any more I told Caera. By the end of it Seth had stars in his eyes, Mayla was still processing everything. Enola and Valen looked indifferent.

"Thanks guys," I said sincerely.

"What are you thanking us for?" asked Mayla.

"For not hating me. I don't think I can handle that again." I replied. I felt fingers intertwine with my own. I looked up at Caera, "Grey we could never hate you. You were my first friend, you healed Seth, trained Mayla and Enola. I don't know what you did for Valen but you've helped us all."

"Grey was my first friend too. I'm sure you can already guess as to why." replied Valen.

"Okay, let's get some rest guys. And don't say anything Grey. You might've been out for a while but the rest of us have been up for a while so we need some rest," said Seth as he got out his sleeping bag. Everyone did the same.

"Can someone help me?" I asked. "I'm still struggling to move from the pain."

"Couldn't you break another one of those crystals?" asked Seth as he looked at me spe.

"I could but they're one of the few things I have from Dicathen," I responded. I keep them because it was a reminder to what my life could've been. What would've happened if I never told them? Would I still be getting teased by gramps? Spar with Da-Reynolds? Make jokes with Elijah? What would my school life be like?

I leaned my head back, "Not that it matters," I said under my breath. I thought no one heard me until I felt myself getting slapped across the face. I looked up to see it was Caera, "You know Grey, you suck at emotions. Don't hold on to these, they'll only remind you of your past. Do not keep yourself connected to a life you can't live and instead attach yourself to your new life."

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