Intro & Prologue

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(Girl walks back to the video game store. It's the day after she discovered the glitch in her copy.)

(Worker is inside, wearing headphones again.)

Girl: Hey, um, Mr. Worker?

Worker: Hm? (She walks in and he turns.)

Girl: By any chance, did you happen to get any more copies of Splatoon 3? This copy you gave me yesterday is broken. (She comes up to the desk.)

Worker: Sorry, we're sold out again. And I already checked for extra unshelved copies. How is your copy broken? (He speaks.)

Girl: The avatars aren't showing up, and I can't advance the game at all.

Worker: That's strange. Do you have the game with you?

Girl: Yeah, it's right here. (She pulls out the copy.)

Sound effect: Ding!

Worker: I doubt I can do anything, but whenever one of my family's games breaks down, I can usually fix them. It's like a hobby. I could try to fix this. (The door opens behind them.)

Boy: Hey, do you have any more copies of Splatoon 3?

Worker: Sorry, man, we're sold out. (Boy walks in. He has a streak of blue in his hair.)

Boy: Oh. That's too bad. The unshelved copy you gave me yesterday is glitched. (He walks up to the counter. Girl doesn't pay him too much attention.)

Boy: None of the avatars are appearing, and I can't advance the game.

Girl: Huh? (She glances up at him curiously.)

Girl: Hey, I'm having the same problem with my copy! Yet no one else in the world seems to be having this problem!

Boy: Really? That's weird. (They talk to each other.)

Worker: Can I see your copy?

Boy: Sure. (He takes it out.)

Worker: Well, both of your copies definitely look dirty. I can try cleaning them up and you can see if they work tomorrow, or I guess you could run by another store and buy a different copy. I can give you your money back for these. (He holds them.)

Boy: That's okay. I've got to run. I have some busy classes to get to, you know? I won't be able to pick up anything until tomorrow. I'll just pick it up then.

Girl: Yeah, same here. I'll see you then. Thanks for your help, Mr. Worker. (They talk.)

Girl: It's interesting how the two of us are having the same problem, isn't it?

Boy: Yeah, it kinda is. (They both start walking out.)

Boy: So, you're a fellow Splatoon lover. Who do you like more? Callie or Marie?

Girl: Marie! She's just so sassy, I love her! What about you?

Boy: Callie is best girl. She's so cute! (They continue out.)

Girl: Oh. Well, I'm not one of those toxic fans, so I respect your preference! Callie is cool!

Boy: Yeah, same for Marie. (They leave.)

(Worker puts on his headphones again.)

(He starts to sanitize the cartridges.)


Three Years Ago...

(The Deepsea Metro Station is empty.)

Sound effect: Ding! Ding! (The Deepsea Metro pulls into the station.)

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