"Hey Jaiden," I murmur.

"Hey sweetheart," he replies running his fingers through my hair.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Me?" He chuckles, I nod against his chest. "Of course I'm okay. Are you?"

I lay my hand on my stomach and sigh "I never thought I'd say it but I miss being pregnant," I whisper. He doesn't say anything but I feel him move underneath me and he lays down beside me, I turn on my side to face him, sliding my palm under my cheek.

"Even the morning sickness?" He tries to joke.

I smile "I could've done without that but," I shrug. Jaiden sighs and wraps his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

I pull my head back slightly and watch him trace my hairline with his forefinger "remember when you said we don't need a baby to be happy?" I ask and he finally looks into my eyes, he nods. "It would kind of help."

"I know," he squeezes his eyes shut before they reopen. "I'm sorry I've given you the small cold shoulder, I just. You know I don't know how to talk through my emotions."

I stifle a laugh as he traces my cheekbone "I know and it's okay. I just wanted to check because I saw the cards out the other day."

"I know, low moment for me."

"Hey," I urge. "I love you for all your high and low moments."

He smiles "I know," he nods tracing my nose. "Just so you know, one day this bed will have a kid smushed between us. I know it," he says pulling me into his chest. I fall asleep to his heart beating.

The next couple of weeks we're back in Pennsylvania for our late spring wedding, "you look beautiful Imogen," Genevieve chokes up. I roll my eyes, she sweeps under her eyes.

"Gen," I give her a pointed look, she rolls her eyes.

A knock on the other side of the door grabs our attention "knock, knock," Genevieve's grandma calls out as she opens the door, she and Winona step inside and both gasp.

"Auntie Im, you look like all the princesses," Winona gasps. I smile.

"Thank you princess," I say. "You ready to be my flower girl?" I ask and she nods excited. We finish getting ready before our photographer pulls us out for some pictures, we decided not to have bridal parties, just wanting to be at the makeshift alter by ourselves.

My wedding dress is super simple, a sweetheart neckline, it hugs me as it flows down to the floor and shoulder straps. I'm not normally one for going all out so when I saw this dress it was perfect.

"You excited?" Taryn asks me as she loops her arm through mine.

"Very," I hum.

She smiles at me and tucks a small strand of hair off my shoulder, "I really am proud of you sis."

I squeeze her forearm "thank you for doing this."

"Your my sister, who else is gonna walk you down the aisle," she says smugly and I smile. Our wedding planner comes around the corner from the hedges and ushers us closer to the aisle, she cues the violinist before having Winona walk down. Taryn gives me one last smile and squeezes my wrist before we walk down.

I'm going to have to give Genevieve a big hug after because the ceremony decorations are absolutely beautiful, I don't have time to admire the place because my eyes lock with Jaiden's. He smirks as we make eye contact, it's like we're moving down the aisle in slow motion, his eyes slowly and almost seductively move down my body, I immediately get butterflies.

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