16. Imogen

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"You're fucking glowing," Genevieve chuckles as we walk out of class.

"So what?" I ask her. It's the middle of March and we're finally on spring break and honestly, I'm probably going to spend the whole week sleeping because I'm exhausted.

Genevieve laughs "you've been glowing for the best couple of weeks. Would it maybe have to do with Jaiden?" She asks and I roll my eyes. "Sebastian is saying the same you know, how Jaiden is looking different. What's going on?"

"Nothing," I shrug. "We're just in a good place," I shrug. Genevieve laughs but doesn't say anything. We're meeting up with the boys at Kyle's pub for some lunch, we're all finished our classes early on Friday.

"So what did you do?" I ask hiking up my bag on my shoulder as we sidestep people on the sidewalk. Genevieve is telling me a story from her clinical the other day, she's at the children's hospital and she's loving it.

"I wanted to throw up," she cringes and I laugh. Some kid almost threw up on her. I pull on the door and we step into the heated bar. It's not cold outside but it's still cold enough to wear a jacket.

"Yeah well if I told you the number of times people have threw up on me, you'd be surprised. Once I had to go around the rooms and hand out buckets during flu season," I tell her, glancing over my shoulder.

My best friend gags and I laugh heading to the back of the bar where I spot the boys, my eyes glance down at Jaiden's hands and he's playing with a deck of cards. I hold in my sigh because he's already locked his gaze on me and I smile. We settle down beside the boys and I feel my phone buzz, I pull out my phone.

Jaiden- We're heading for New York in a week. I was just telling the guys that.

I stare at my phone and then glance up at Jaiden who eyes me from the corner of his eye, I shut my phone off and place it in between my legs "so did you guys order yet?" I ask Jaiden and the rest of the boys.

"No, we were waiting. Much to Spencer's dismay," Maverick says pointing his thumb to Spencer who rolls his eyes. A waiter comes by and we all place our usual orders, Jaiden leans back in his seat and I watch him take off his baseball cap before tugging it on my head, he pulls it down and I smile.

"Ti voglio bene," he whispers. My smile widens, he's been saying I love you in Italian, he finds it more intimate especially since he uses the language when we're locked in a room together. He leans forward and gives me a quick kiss before pulling back.

"Can you believe this is our last spring break?" Spencer groans. I turn to him. "Like we'll be adults who don't do spring break anymore."

"The absolute horror," Genevieve mocks him.

"Remember that time we went to Cabo in like our sophomore year?" Maverick asks the boys.

"That's where Jaiden had a threesome," Sebastian says, his lips indicate a smirk but he holds his emotions off.

"Really?" I ask amused.

"Yeah, I don't remember much. I'm pretty sure I was drunk," He says.

"So how did that work? Like did you get it to go up?" Spencer asks and Genevieve laughs. I shake my head with a smile.

Jaiden narrows his eyes at him "of fucking course, I don't underperform," He scoffs. I want to nod and say true but that's weird so I stay quiet. "As if you hadn't had a drunken hookup," Jaiden points out to Spencer.

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