26. Jaiden

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There have been a handful of times where I wish I could call mom up and ask her for advice since she had died, Imogen's miscarriage is one of them. I honestly just miss the sound of her voice calming me as I rant over the phone. Imogen was still experiencing cramps, which she hates to label but it's what's happening so I made her stay in bed while I worked at home, thankfully that's one of the perks of my job.

I had gone upstairs just a bit after lunch to find her asleep, I decided it would be best to go out. I wanted to wait until her birthday in a couple of weeks to give her this surprise but I suppose now it's a more likely time.

I glance at the passenger seat at the brown carrier, I see fur sticking out and I smile. I turn into our driveway and throw the car in park, everything is in the trunk but I'll come back for it later. I grab the brown carrier and slide out of the car. I'm quick to grab an old towel, one of the ones we use when Imogen dyes her hair, before peaking into our room.

"Hey," My fiancée gives me a tired smile. "Did you go out?" She asks turning to lay on her back, she must be getting a cramp right now.

"Hey," I say "I did, just had to go grab something," I say and quickly slip in. "I have a surprise," I announce. She turns her head and eyes the carrier in my hand.

"If you found a miniature size unicorn we are going to the courthouse right now," she says and I laugh shaking my head.

"Not a unicorn," I tell her and she pouts. I watch as she slowly sits up and holds in a wince. "Want me to get you any meds?" I ask her, glancing at the nightstand.

"No, I'm okay," she assures me. "Surprise me," She says crossing her legs under our white blanket. I set the carrier down and lay down the towel in front of her, she raises a brow at me.

"Trust me, you'll thank me in a second," I tell her kneeling beside the bed, she watches me curiously and I open the carrier up and slowly lift myself up. She gasps as I set the white rabbit down on the towel.

"Oh my god," She shakes her head in disbelief. I sit down across from her and pet the rabbit.

"She is a Blanc de Hotot, French, obviously," I tell her. Her expression softens as she reaches out and slowly begins to cradle the rabbit in her palms. The white rabbit isn't big yet but they'll grow to like eight to eleven lbs.

"She is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I'm gonna die," she says. I smile as she pulls it onto her lap and pets her gently, I imagine her being this careful and soft with our kid. I shake my head and blink.

"I was going to wait until your birthday but this seemed better," I tell her leaning down on my forearm.

"Why a rabbit? Or bunny whatever, why not like a cat?" She asks and I stifle a laugh.

"Sweetheart please, do you see us as a dog or cat family? Plus you said once you really wanted a bunny as a kid so," I shrug easily.

Her eyes gloss over and she shakes her head "I love you, I really love you," she sighs.

I smile "I love you too," I tell her. "What should we name her?"

"Well it obviously has to be fitting for her, she's beautiful," my fiancée coos. Thank god I chose to do this surprise now because seeing her face light up after the last couple of days is warming my heart.

"Likes just go classic and call her Winter," I say watching the rabbit sniff Imogen's hand. "Winter," I say and the rabbit's head turns.

"Well that was fucking easy," Imogen laughs. "Thank you Jaiden, I really mean it," She tells me and I nod, I push myself off the bed and stand.

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