23. Jaiden

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It's weird being back in Pennsylvania after being in Chicago for months but I promised the guys I'd be back for Thanksgiving, we're doing Friendsgiving to celebrate Bash and Genevieve's engagement. I bring my beer to my lips as Spencer mocks Bash.

"Don't annoy him, it's his engagement party" Maverick rolls his eyes.

"I'm just joking," Spencer chuckles slapping Bash's back, I shake my head and hide my laugh.

"So, how's work?" Maverick asks me, I glance over at the girls who are likely gossiping as they cook around the kitchen.

"Good, I don't mind it," I shrug.

"You thought you wouldn't?" Spencer asks me and I shrug.

"I've only ever known the club so this is slower paced but it's not bad," I shrug.

"Aren't they sending you for keynotes or something?" Maverick asks and I nod. "Maybe you and Bash will cross paths."

"I have a private jet," Sebastian narrows his eyes a bit.

"Which is bad for the environment!" Penny calls out and I smile. Rhett, Iris, and Penny are joining us for thanksgiving, the new parents are upstairs with their son.

Spencer turns to Maverick and strikes up their own conversation "how are you doing?" I ask Bash lifting my beer slightly.

"Better, still going to AA which I'm annoyed about but Genevieve thinks it's a good idea," he shrugs playing with the label of his water bottle. "You?" He asks, I knew he was eyeing me looking for my cards.

"It's a slow process, I'm doing therapy for a ton of things so the cards have been slow."

"Who would've fucking thought, us in therapy," Bash grumbles and I smile.

"If we hadn't I feel like we would've lost them," I point my finger at our girls, and Bash looks over and nods. "You excited?" I ask him.

"She is, so that equals my excitement," He shrugs. This man is so fucking easy to please, I can't handle it. "I love her so."

I smile again "damn right, how'd your dad take it?"

"Well he hardly has an opinion anyways, but he didn't seem annoyed so that's a plus."

"I assume your view on kids has changed?" I ask him. "Especially with your nephew around."

"God, I told her I want to be married for a bit but I'm just worried about you know genetics," He says and I nod. He doesn't elaborate but I know he's worried about his future kids developing addictions to alcohol.

"Seb," Genevieve calls, she doesn't have to explain because he's already up and striding towards her, I watch them converse quietly between them before he kisses her on the head and crouches down to the stove.

"He's so whipped," Spencer shakes his head glancing over at Sebastian.

"He's happy, in his own way," Maverick shrugs.

"What about you two dorks? Find anyone?" I ask them.

"Bachelor pad baby," Spencer winks at me and I shake my head laughing. "The better question is when are you going to propose to Imogen?"

"We have it sorted," I shrug a bit smugly.

"What about the whole," he glances over, "baby, thing?" He whispers the last part as Sebastian settles down into his chair again.

"It's an iffy topic, we talk a lot about it but we don't at the same time."

"How is that?" Maverick asks me.

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