5. Jaiden

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My ears are bursting with the crappy club music that's currently blaring through the sound system. It's bad enough I'm working, but it's bad enough Rick has been on my ass lately, the good shiner I have on my left eye is evidence. He hated how I left with Imogen almost two weeks ago, he gave me the silent treatment for two weeks like a baby. But I can't hit back yet, I still got debt here and until I've paid it off I'm holding my fists at my side.

"What can I get you, ladies?" I asked putting on my best smile at the two in front of me. They look around my age and I'm too tired to analyze them any further if they're older or younger.

"Two bloody Mary's and a side of you," The one redhead smirks at me placing her arm on the wood, giving me a good view of her cleavage.

"Two bloody Mary's coming up and I'm sorry I'm not available," I say as I begin their drinks.

"That's not what the blogs say at Penn," the same girl smiles hopeful. And that answers my question, they're younger than me.

I force a smile "yea well, I'm taken and happily taken."

Stacy, the other bartender I'm working with tonight casts me a look and snickers. I shake my head and the redhead continues to try and talk to me, mostly getting in my pants but I'm not in the mood. And I'm fist-pumping when the girls take their drinks "you look like shit, go take your break," Stacy tells me.

"I'm fine, I'm almost done," I wave her off wiping the counter a bit.

"It's not a request Jaiden, take ten minutes and get some air," She eyes me. I look around the bar and since it was fairly empty, I nod and take my break. I shove the back door open, immediately lighting a cigarette. Despite the bad reputation cigarettes have, it's either smoke one out or go downstairs and loose my paycheck at the poker tables.

I pluck out my phone and scroll through the notifications and ignore them until I see Imogen's text, it was almost three hours ago when she told me she finished her shift at the diner. I tap on the message and call her through FaceTime. I don't expect her to answer but she does and I smile as I dangle the cigarette between my lips.

"What? I have a tomorrow and I haven't even finished my notes," She sighs, I think she's calling me through her laptop because I can see her scribbling down some notes.

"Hello to you too sweetheart," I say my voice a little hoarse from all the yelling I've been doing inside. Imogen looks up and smiles as I take the cigarette out and blow.

I lean back on the wall, underneath the light "oh my god, what happened?" She gasps leaning closer.

"Nice huh?" I point to my eye.

"Jaiden," she practically scolds me.

"It's fine, it's been a long time coming," I shrug dropping my cigarette and smashing it with my foot.

"You look exhausting."

I laugh, "I feel it," I hum.

"When are you done?" She asks as I run my hand by my hair.

"Forty-ish minutes?" I say in a questioning tone.

"Want to come over?" She asks and I raise a brow but can't contain my smile. "Genevieve is at Bash's," she shrugs.

"I'll be there, I have to head back. See you later," I tell her as I pull open the back door, she nods and I end the FaceTime call. My night just got better which puts me in a good mood for the rest of my shift. I am however dragging my feet as I head down the hall and towards the girl's apartment, the door swings open seconds after I knock.

Imogen is wearing an oversized Penn shirt and I can't see if she's wearing shorts but lord help me if she is "did you get knocked on your ass getting that shiner?" She asks and I immediately shake my head.

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