Chapter 4

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Enid's POV

The look of utter shock on her face was very hard to read and understand. Even though it was clear that something was up with her, her facial expressions were really hard to read. I hid my claws and fangs and lowered my arms and kept looking at her. I was getting worried. She was not moving. When I took a step forwards, she took a step back. I got even more confused.

"Ezra...?" I asked softly. She suddenly snapped out of it and shook her head. Her stare turned ice cold and it pierced into my soul as her eyes were now the darkest shade of green possible, almost black. She looked away and clenched her jaw, making her cheekbones pop. The way I would love to run my tongue against them. GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF ENID! I took a step towards her. This time, she raised her hands up with the same icy stare and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't touch me." She simply replied. "Don't come near me. Don't try to ever talk to me. From now on, this room is empty to me." What the hell?

"Are you actually sane? What the hell did I do?" I called as she walked towards her bed. Her back tensed up, actually, her whole body tensed up. She turned around, ever so slowly, just like in the movies and gave me a look of pure disgust that it gave me the chills.

"You disgust me." She spat and my mouth dropped open. "Your kind... Disgusts me. Stay as far away from me as possible."

I didn't even get room to speak or to elaborate or to explain myself basically. She had already walked over to her bed and lay down.

What the hell?


Ezra and I maintained this energy of not talking to each other. I saw her hanging out with Sheila. I can't lie that I felt jealous. I cannot. The urge to go batshit crazy on this manipulative bitch was getting harder and harder to control. No one knew who Sheila was more than me. I knew what she was capable of and what her powers were really about. She was clinging on to Ezra's arm as if her life depended on it. It was pathetic. They just met. Ezra was looking uninterested. Someway, somehow, every time I would turn to look at them, I would find her staring at me, no expressions whatsoever on her face. I would look away, but her stare was so piercing that I would feel it and, ironically, I would catch her staring at me from the corner of my eye. What is she doing? No, scratch that... Why is she doing whatever she's doing?

"Are you with me?" Ajax' voice interrupted my thoughts. My head snapped in his direction, and I pulled my traditional charming grin.

"Yes! Of course!" I said softly, placing my hand on his. His hand was warm in a comforting way. But for some reason, I wanted Ezra's hand on mine.

I bet her hands are soft too but kind of rough at the same time, kind of calloused. She looks like she plays the guitar. Does she though? I think she should.

"What was I saying then?" He teased. I snapped back into reality and gave him an awkward smile. "Never mind. I think you should go get some rest."

"Yeah. I think I should too. Bye!" Not even giving him a chance to reply, I stood up and walked quickly towards the dining rooms exit door.

My head was down because I did not want to meet Ezra's stare. But just like gravity, my eyes felt drawn to her. And when I did look her way, Sheila was leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. I felt a lump in my throat forming so I quickly ran out of the dining room of course not without feeling Ezra's piercing eyes on me...


I didn't know what I was feeling. Jealousy? Sadness? Longing? No clue. But my head was all over the place. I sighed as I lay on my bed as I felt the tears stinging my eyes. I was asking myself so many questions that I got lost in my thoughts. What was so special about her? Why was my body reacting this way when it comes to her? What was this force that pulled me towards her like gravity?

That's when it clicked. And that's when I felt my heart drop. But that couldn't be... It CAN'T be. She can't... No... She must NOT be.

"What if..." I whispered to myself. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I mumbled. Sheila came in. I immediately stood up.

"Hey Enid!" She said with the sweetest tone ever. I frowned.

"What do you want?" I hissed, grinding my teeth and feeling my claws come out. It's truth that I haven't wolfed out yet, but I still felt the animalistic instinct to attack anyone that screamed danger.

She laughed and took a step closer. I growled.

"Easy there, puppy." She said seductively. "I don't want you wolfing out on me. Oh wait!" She burst out laughing. "You can't."

"What. Do. You. Want." I replied while trying to keep my anger tamed.

"Stay away from Ezra, Enid. You will only cause her trouble." She retorted in a threatening tone.

"Excuse me?" I was in shock.

"You heard me, puppy. You not wolfing out and trying to find someone to imprint is only going to disturb her. You're trying so hard to find someone to be your mate. Ezra is not the one and will never be. Back off." She smirked. "You think you can get her to be yours. You think she can fall for your stupid antics. I see the way you look at her from across the room. You really think I wouldn't notice? I'm not oblivious Ens."

I was at a loss of words. I forgot that witches could read body language so well. But I certainly didn't know that she could read my mind. I shook my head and gave her my best smile.

"Can you read minds, Sheila? You know... Since you're a witch." My grin threw her off as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I can't..." She replied in confusion. It was my turn to laugh.

"Well, here's a glimpse of what I'm thinking about: get the fuck out of my room before seeing something that would scar you to your very core." I smirked then walked over to her until I was right in front of her. I hope the height difference made me seem more intimidating. "Understood?"

She didn't reply so I continued. "See, you're free to do whatever you want with Ezra. Hell, she's all yours. Just know that if, one way or another, I find out you hurt her, it's over for you." I winked and ushered her to leave. "The door is right behind you. Leave." I turned around and stayed still until I heard the door close then collapsed on my bed.

I was not used to being so aggressive and angry. This is the side of me that no one should see. The side that could, with no doubt, rip someone's body and organs apart.

Maybe that's why I was so scared to wolf out. Maybe that's why subconsciously I was not allowing myself to do so.

I already knew I was a monster. I already knew what my wolf form was capable of, I've made my research.

The last thing I want though, is to hurt Ezra.


My story has insane rankings even though I published it not a long time ago:")

Thank you so much for your support<3

Enjoy this chapter:D

SPOILER ALERT: some fluffy stuff will happen in chapter 5, get ready for it!


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