Chapter 7

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Don't forget to listen to the song <3 !

The Neighbourhood – The Beach


Ezra's POV

I can't deny it. Of course I can't. Every single bone and cell in my body wanted her to go on, wanted her to keep on touching me and not stop. I wanted her and I can't lie to myself. But I can't. Elliot would be so disappointed in me.

The guilt was eating me alive. I couldn't think straight, I barely slept. When she was getting ready, looking at me with those puppy eyes in the most innocent way possible as if she was not eating my neck out yesterday, I was about to lose it. How could she look so mischievous the night before and then radiate the same energy of a child you just scolded for breaking something?

I quickly showered, wore my uniform and left the room, trying my best not to immerse myself in her sweet aroma that was, obviously, invading the room and every fiber of my being.

I immediately hit the library, having taken that decision last night before I fell asleep since I didn't have class early in the morning. That will be refreshing, surrounding myself with books.

I opened the door to the smell of old manuscripts and a smile found itself on my face. Ah! Nothing compares to that smell. Well... Maybe Enid's smell. I shook my head quickly. I should get her out of my head. This isn't acceptable.

"How may I help you, dear?" The old lady asked. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Um... I'm looking for some books about werewolves."


The old lady walked with me to an aisle of books and stopping in front of two that were facing each other to retrieve some books for me.

"What are you looking for specifically regarding werewolves?" She questioned.

I scratched the back of my head, thinking of what I was actually looking for.


"Let me guess." She said with a knowing smile. I frowned. "A girl your age came for a book regarding the imprinting process with werewolves. Is that what you want?"


"If you don't mind me asking, what is imprinting?"

She chuckled. "It's a process in which a werewolf finds their mate, the person they will swear on their life to protect until their very last breath, the person they shall love the most until the end of their life."

I felt my lungs collapse at this information. Could Enid be looking for that book? Did she want to imprint me? Or Ajax?

"Um... Miss? What did that girl look like?" I asked with uneasiness.

"Oh, dear! I only remember that she had blue eyes, as clear as water." She replied.

Enid. No one had eyes like this. Except for Enid.


After reading a bit about the imprinting process, it became much clearer in my head. However, I couldn't get the idea of Enid reading the same damn book. My mind was not shutting up.

"You can't seem to stop thinking about her!" James said, popping out of nowhere. My head snapped in his direction.

"What brings you here? I didn't convoke you." I mumbled, looking back at my book.

"You can't keep on hating werewolves because of her, Ezra. You know I was a werewolf, and I never left your brother's side." He retorted softly. I looked back at him. His blonde hair was still as messy as ever. His light brown eyes were twinkling. Rare were the times where I convoked my brother's best friend who tried with all his might to save him before he died. These days though, he seemed to be coming on his own or whenever I wanted to convoke a random ghost. I didn't quite understand why.


"No! Don't 'James' me! You obviously feel something towards her. Stop trying to hide it. She's not like other werewolves and you know that." He snapped. I opened my mouth to reply but quickly shut it. James was very stubborn there was no use.

"What if she doesn't feel the same way?" I muttered.

He sighed. "You would've at least gotten it out of your system."

I put my head in my hands and massaged my temples.

"You have nothing to lose, Ezzy." He said. I looked up and he was giving me his typical comforting smile.

"You know what? Fuck it. I'm going." I stood up and grabbed my stuff before running towards the door, James following me.


As I reached our room, I heard her laughing from behind the door. She must be texting her friends on her stupid group chat. I frowned because I heard another person's laugh alongside hers. Who was in there?

"James, go check for me please." I whispered. He nodded his head and went through the door, only to pop back with a unpleasant expression on his face.

"I suggest we leave, Ezzy." He said awkwardly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

He sighed. "Suit yourself!"

I opened the door only to find one of my worst nightmares come to life.

Enid with Ajax, on top of each other, making out.

'Cool' I thought.

I dropped my bag on my bed and walked to the door.

"Hey Ezra." Ajax called.

I didn't even bother to turn around and just kept walking.

He was the one she wanted to imprint. He was the one who she wanted to protect until her very last breath. He was the one she shall love until the end of times.

There goes the knife in my gut.

"That was rude." I heard her say from behind. I could recognize her voice anywhere.

"Fuck off." I spat. I didn't even look back and ran out.


I hope you're enjoying the story so far, puppies!

Chapter 8 will explain a lot about what's going on inside Ezra's head :D

See you tomorrow<3


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