Chapter 14

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Don't forget to listen to the song <3 !

Tyler The Creator – See You Again


Enid's POV

That stupid motherfucker who screamed will get a piece of these claws up his ass. I huffed in frustration as Ezra slowly pulled away from me, not before quickly kissing my forehead. Okay... Maybe I wasn't as pissed as I thought...

I guess I didn't have time to process what was about to happen because everyone was in a frenzy and running around in all directions.

What the hell was happening?

Ezra and I both walked closer to the DJ Set where there was someone, I don't even know what kind of creature that was, going crazy on every single student, trying to attack them, strangle them and jump on them.

What the fuck is that?

The creature and I's eyes met and his were blood red, all of them, not a single speck of white. He was about to jump on me and I closed my eyes, knowing what was coming next, until I saw a glowing figure in front of me. It was James.

"STEP BACK, ENID! IT'S AN EVIL SPIRIT!" He shouted, trying his best to push him then managed to make him drop to the ground.

I gulped. How did that evil spirit infiltrate this person's body?

"I think it's a normie." Ezra mumbled beside me, her hand on my back as she gave me gentle comforting caresses.

"What do we do, Ezra?" I asked worriedly. "You have to do something. Revive James!"

She shook her head. "We can't wound a normie. We will get a lot of shit from the sheriff if we do."

"Do you have an idea on how to make an evil spirit leave a person's body?" I questioned.

"Hmmm..." She said. "I may or may not have an idea. But I really don't know if I have this ability in me."

I put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her cheek to make her look at me. I gave her my best "I believe in you" face and looked her dead in the eyes. "You can do it."

She didn't even think twice as she asked all the students to step back.

"Evil spirit!" She yelled.

The possessed normie turned around and started screaming.

"James, I'm going to revive you. You make sure to hold him back so that he doesn't attack me. You do not wolf out or wound him in any way." She ordered.

James nodded and got in position.

"I, the master of spirits, command James Peterson to come back to life and follow my orders to stop this evil spirit from attacking me." She called, her voice resonating everywhere. "RESURRECTURUS A MORTUIS!!!"

James started glowing again and was brought back to life. With his werewolf speed, he grabbed the normie and held him back as Ezra closed her eyes and put her hands together.

"Now... I, the master of spirits, the living and the dead, order you evil spirit to leave this person's body." She said, her voice trembling and her knees shaking. I immediately ran to her but Yoko held me back. "RELINQUE HOC CORPUS!!!" She screamed and extended one arm, her palm open.

The normie started twitching and making weird sounds as Ezra started slowly closing her palm. He was surrounded by a black and red glowing aura which I assumed was the evil spirit leaving his body.

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