Chapter 24

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Enid's POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache. Ezra was sleeping soundly beside me. The last thing I remembered was her telling me how much she loves me and how much I mean to her. I also have a clear memory of her saying that she didn't mean what she said. Also something about... Mind control? I was perplexed. Who could control her mind and make her say these God awful words?

I sighed and looked at her. Her hair was on her face, hiding it. I snickered and softly brushed it away to have a better look at her.

My gorgeous baby... I stroked her face as softly as I could, running the tip of my fingers against her cheekbones and jawline. I smiled then leaned in and kissed her forehead and cheeks before laying on her chest again, listening to the sound of heart. It was comforting.

I felt her stir underneath me so I lifted my head off her chest. Her eyes slowly opened. She gave me a small smile.

"Good morning." She said groggily.

I grinned back. "Hey you."

"I missed you." She mumbled, looking away as if she was ashamed.

I felt my insides twist up seeing her so sad. I took a deep breath. "Let's shower and talk about everything."

She nodded her head, getting out bed. I grabbed her hand. Her head whipped in my direction as if my touch set her skin on fire. "I missed you too." I admitted. She finally gave me a proper smile. She quickly kissed my forehead and went to the bathroom to shower.


Soon enough, we were both done. We sat down on the balcony. It was a chilly Saturday morning so we grabbed some blankets and wore sweaters (technically I wore Ezra's hoodie).

We looked at the view in front of us. The forest, some students down at the quad, werewolves playing fetch... The typical.

I looked at her. Her jaw was clenched and she was fumbling with her fingers nervously. Her eyes were fixated somewhere else, to be more precise, anywhere except me.

I scooted closer and put my hand on top of hers. She jumped in surprise. I giggled.

"Your reactions remind me of when we first started being touchy." I smirked.

She blushed. "Somehow this feels like the first time."

I chuckled. "Because you messed up big time?"

"Maybe..." She admitted sheepishly.

I laid my head on her shoulder and snuggled closer to her. "We can just stare at the view and cuddle right now. We'll talk in a few."

She nodded her head and stroked my hand. I kissed her shoulder. The silence wasn't heavy, in fact it was relaxing. We stayed in this position for a little while before Ezra shifted so she could face me.

"I was miserable all night long." She mumbled.

"Hmmm..." I hummed, urging her to go on.

"I kept thinking about you. I kept thinking about what had happened. It didn't make sense in my head. In no way, shape or form would I break up with you because of a matter as such. I don't know, it really felt like someone was controlling my mind." She said, her voice dripping with sadness and sorrow. She sounded so confused.

"I believe you." I whispered.

She looked up at me with hopeful, shiny eyes. "You do?"

"Of course, I do. Something weird was happening, you seemed unlike yourself." I muttered thoughtfully.

Less Dead | Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now