Chapter 19

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Ezra's POV

Today was the Harvest Carnival Day. The school was taking us to Jericho so we could go there. I was not excited at all but you should really see Enid. For once, she woke up before me to start getting ready. That never happened, ever. I had just woken up and I was rubbing my eyes when my lovely girlfriend got out of the bathroom in just her underwear, a toothbrush in her mouth.

"Good morning, Ez." She said as she picked up her clothes from her bed and went back inside closing the door.

Good morning indeed... Have you seen her body? No you haven't and you won't.

She looked so attractive without intending to and that made her even more attractive. In the eyes of everyone else, she was this harmless little cutie who wouldn't kill a fly. But behind the scenes? Oh boy... She was something else.

"Morning, pup." I replied groggily with a smile. I got out of bed and started preparing my clothes, making sure to hide the item I got from that cancerous, unicorn rainbow vomit store.

I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Come in. I'm all dressed up!" Enid called from inside.

I opened the door. She was all in pink (obviously). Usually I would cringe but when it comes to her, everything makes sense even the things that don't usually.

"I'm going to take a shower, alright?" I took off my sweater and pants, only to be left with my tight t-shirt and boxers. She was gawking at me. I smirked.

"You like what you're seeing?"

Her cheeks turned the brightest shade of red. "Shut up." She mumbled.

I laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"I won't be late. I just need 5 minutes."

I hopped in the shower and quickly washed my hair and body. Then I got out, dried myself and wore my undies. Then I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. As I was buttoning my pants after having worn my black turtleneck, Enid knocked on the door and got in. She was grinning.

"Why hello!" She greeted.

I chuckled. "Hey, puppy."

"You're looking good. But didn't I ask for a splash of color?" She pouted and gave me her deadliest puppy eyes. Seriously, one look into her eyes when she does that and you would melt.

I laughed. "I promised you some colors, you're getting that." I said, walking in front of her as she gave me a confused look. I rummaged through my closet only to get the bag I got from when we went shopping out. Her eyes lit up in excitement.

I opened it and got a corduroy lilac oversized buttoned shirt. Her jaw dropped. I instantly felt embarrassed.

"You don't like it?" I quietly asked.

"Are you kidding me?" She whispered. "THAT'S THE BEST PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU HAVE EVER OWNED!" She squealed excitedly.

I felt instant relief. Ugh... You don't know how much I was stressed out for this precise moment.

As I was wearing it, she tackled me in a hug. I immediately wrapped my arms around her and immersed myself in her fruity smell. She smelled so refreshing like summer fruits in a bowl. She pulled away from the hug and looked at me with stars in her light blue eyes. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She glared at me.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"Kiss me, you dimwit." She ordered.


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