Chapter 12

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Don't forget to listen to the song <3 !

Cuco – Winter's Ballad


Enid's POV

I wanted to go talk to Ezra to somehow apologize for how I reacted. But at the same time I realized I would look stupid since she was the one who hurt me. Seeing her enter the class, still limping, her eyes lost with dark bags under them, no trace of happiness on her face, killed me inside. Imagine seeing the person you care about the most in such a pathetic state.

How am I still sticking around, you may ask. How can I still care for her after everything she put me through... The hurt, the pain, the broken promise, the list goes on. Yet I still can't seem to want to let go of her.

There was something about her that attracted me to her like a piece of metal to a magnet. Like gravity. I never understood why though.

I've decided to forgive Ajax for what he did to her and open a new page with him where we could actually give our relationship a shot. He wanted to take me out on a date today at this nice coffee shop in Downtown Jericho.

As I was getting ready, Yoko got in. Yes, we were sharing a room now. I could not, in any way, shape or form, stay alone in the state I was in. Plus, she was good company.

"Ooh! You're looking good, Ens!" She hollered with a smirk. I blushed as I applied mascara on my lashes.

"Thanks, Yoko."

"Why are you doing this though?" She asked, thoughtfully with a knowing smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

She sighed and stood beside in front of the mirror. "You obviously like Ezra. Why are you doing this to yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "Enough with that Ezra BS. I'm over her. It was just a phase."

"Sure, if you say so." She smirked again. "So if I tell you that she's been spotted with Sheila Marks, it wouldn't bother you? Just a tiny bit?"

I froze and looked at her. "What?"

She crossed her arms, that stupid smirk still plastered on her face. "You heard me! They've been hanging out."

I clenched my jaw and fists, feeling my claws about to come out. "I wouldn't care!" I replied, trying to act as chill as possible.

She chuckled. "Sure. Enjoy your date!"

"Thanks..." I mumbled.


Ajax acted like a perfect gentleman. He opened the door for me, got our coffees, paid for everything. It was sweet. I liked random acts of chivalry.

"I like your jacket." He said with a smile. I smiled back.

"I like your beanie. You seem to have a big collection of those."

He laughed. "Yeah! Of course! I can't stick to one. I need to style it up, you know."

I chuckled. "You look good."

The conversation was flowing very easily. We got to know each other better. We got to speak more about our interests. It was cute, I can't lie. But it felt too, familiar. It was too typical. I was in the same position before. A nice, cozy coffee date to get to know the person. It was nice but there was no thrill. I didn't feel excited to get to know him despite having lots of similar interests when it comes to social media. We were both active on every single platform.

But again... He wasn't Ezra.

My racing mind was interrupted by Ezra herself, walking into the coffee shop. I was thanking the universe that Sheila wasn't with her because I'm sure I would've lost my sanity. Our eyes met and it felt like the whole world around me stopped. Her stare was empty at first then, when I focused, I saw the despair in her eyes. She quickly looked away and that's when I was able to breathe.

"Are you okay?" Ajax asked.

I gave him the most convincing smile I could pull and nodded. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ezra leave with a tall cup of coffee.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to focus if I could catch her smell, even if it was faint.

And I did.

And I realized how much I missed her.


Ajax walked me back to my room. He kissed my cheek and left. His lips felt wrong against my skin. It was just not right. I was thankful that Yoko wasn't there. For the first time ever, me, yes me, wanted to be alone. I needed to gather my thoughts to understand what was happening to me, what I was feeling and why I was feeling it. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

My peace was interrupted by Yoko knocking on the door and entering our room.

"So?" She said while sitting beside me on my bed. "How was your date?"

"It was good." I mumbled, putting my head in my pillow. She gently caressed my back.

"I'm assuming something went down, right?"

"Why did she have to barge in?" I whined, sitting up straight and putting my head in my hands.

"Who barged in?" Yoko asked in confusion.

"Ezra!" I yelled in frustration.

"Where did she barge in?"

"Ugh... To the coffee shop I was at with Ajax." I felt so frustrated. I just wanted to go beat her up. And kiss her senselessly.

"Just admit it, Enid. You like her." Yoko said with that same knowing smirk.

I looked at her. How could I deny it? I couldn't. I would be lying to myself and to her. Yoko gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Go get her, Enid."

Without even thinking twice, I grabbed my jacket and left the room to go look for her.


I followed her scent and it led me to the quad's fountain. She was with Sheila. And they were holding hands. I felt sick to my stomach. Ezra was not even paying attention to her. She looked so uninterested and uninvested. That made me want to punch the air in victory.

Then suddenly, that evil witch stepped closer to her and started stroking her cheek. Ezra looked at her with the same blank stare.

I feared what was about to come next. So I took a deep breath and focused my attention on the two of them but mainly Ezra.

That's when it happened. It felt like my worst nightmare coming to life.

Sheila leaned in, in the most seductive way possible, pressed her body against Ezra and kissed her. Ezra didn't budge. She didn't even touch her. I knew she was under the influence of Sheila's magic but it still hurt.

I knew that she was far gone if she had responded to the witch's trance.

I had seen enough so I left, with warm tears leaving salty streaks on my cheeks.


I'm sorry you guys :")

It gets better next chapter, pinky promise! <3


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