"I do not know." The creature spoke carefully, not meeting my eyes.

I shook my head . "Yes you do, you have to have a reason." I prompted, squeezing on his arm to get him to look at me. To give me an answer. He didn't.

"Why save me, why not just let me die?" I pushed when the creature still didn't answer. As I said the word "die", I felt the creature stiffen under my fingers and he turned to me, fixing me with a sharp look.

"I could not watch you die." The creature bit out, his brows knitted together either in a mix of anger and frustration.

"Is that all?" I replied softly, looking up into his harsh gaze.

A muscle in the creature's jaw twitched and he looked away from me, "At first, yes. I have saved others, in that regard, you are not special but..." he explained, stopping suddenly.

"But..?" I repeated, searching his face for his unspoken answer.

The creature let out a harsh breath, still refusing to look at me as he continued, "But nobody ever came back."

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

The creature squeezed his eyes shut, "You weren't afraid, you came back. Y-you wanted to see me, to know me..." he trailed off, opening his eyes to look down at me.

There it was again. I thought to myself. In his gaze, there was something warm. Something affectionate that completely contrasted his sharp features and frustration. Something that made me breathless.

"Yes...and I want to know you more. As a person and not a subject. So please let me call you something." I pleaded, holding the creature's gaze. His face softened as he mulled over my words.

After a few moments, I spoke again. "You saved me so many times already, so in a way, you're kind of like my Cassian." I offered, curious to see what he thought of my suggestion.

"Cassian...your Cassian..." The creature repeated more to himself.

I chewed my cheek. "So, how do you feel about it?"

The creature turned his head to look down at me, a piece of silver hair falling in front of his eye, "Yes, I would like to be your Cassian." He responded softly, the corner of his mouth lifting into the ghost of a smile.

"Then Cassian it is." I beamed up at him, pleased I could finally start calling him something other than the creature. I would have to tell Noah to call him that from now on too.

At the thought of Noah, I suddenly remembered my original goal in trying to speak with him. I had more questions to ask if my plan was going to work.

I leaned in close to Cassian, turning away from the cameras to speak, "I'm sorry I made you do this" I said apologetically, gesturing to his arm, "but we need to play along for my plan to work." I added, my smile fading.

Cassian pulled back, "What plan?"

"My plan to get you out of here." I answered simply.

Cassian opened his mouth to speak, but closed it with a frown, looking away from me.

"You do want to get out of here, right?" I asked again, my brows knitting together in confusion.

"I do not know." He said quietly.

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?!" I asked quickly, trying to keep my voice down.

"I am not sure if I want to leave." Cassian spoke again, his voice sharp.

"What? How could you say that? Don't you-" I began before stopping myself. I began thinking about Cassian's actions and about what Noah had said last night.

Cassian had escaped from the compound, and yet, he stayed so close to it. With how fast he could swim, he could have easily been halfway to Fiji by now, but he stayed.


"Why haven't you left Monterrey?" I asked slowly, finally letting go of his arm to put some space between us.

Cassian noticed the action and he pressed his mouth into a flat line, clearly displeased.

"Why, Cassian?" I repeated carefully, unsure if I wanted to hear his answer.

"Where would I go?" He snapped suddenly, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

At his answer, I fell silent. Of course he never left. How could he? Where would he go?

It's not like he could live anywhere like a normal person. He had a tail, and his blood was blue. He would be a freak to everyone. His other option would be a life of solitude in the middle of the ocean.

What kind of life would that even be?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I wasn't thinking-" I stuttered apologetically, looking down at the ground between us.

I heard him sigh, "It is not your fault. You have done what you can, but I am better off here." He admitted, looking at me with a half-smile. He seemed resigned, defeated.

My eyes hardened, "No way." I started, shaking my head.

"No way you're better off here. This place...these people...they are awful!" I spat, glancing over to the tank door where Hunter and his men were talking amongst themselves outside.

"I told you, I have a plan. I'm getting you out of here." I went on, not waiting for his reply.

"You do not understa-" Cassian began, but I cut him off.

"I do understand, but I can't let you stay here. I'm getting you out and we're going to escape together." I insisted, taking one of his hands in mine.

Cassian blinked. "Together?" He repeated quietly, glancing down at our hands.

"I told you I wouldn't leave you, and I meant it. Where you go, I go too now. You don't have to do this alone, we can do this together." I finished, fixing him with a look of determination.

"Together..." Cassian murmured to himself.

"Together." I confirmed, interlocking our fingers and giving his hand a comforting squeeze. Which, to my surprise, he returned.

That's when I heard the tank door slam open.

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